@Memphis Grizzlies

Mark Giannotto’s thoughts…

Mark Giannotto’s thoughts…

by TheCrimsonArmada


  1. At the end of the day, not having vets like Jae crowder and solo hurts. Ja can be a leader but he doesn’t necessarily lead by example at this moment. Let’s be real, zbo wasn’t a leader at Ja’s age. Neither were Marc, mike, or tony. I’ve been very disappointed in the construction of this seasons roster and I’m sure many of you have seen me voice my opinions. I don’t think it’s crazy to say that in order to have a winning team culture, you need a mix of guys who either have the experience or other no-nonsense guys (locker room leaders) that keep other people in check. We have…. None of those lol.

    Like come on the only vet we have on this roster literally held a team meeting and we all knew what happened after.

  2. AleroRatking

    This is so dumb. if anything it was leadership not saying something stupid. He hasn’t trash talked at all this playoffs. Right now Ja is trying to remove himself from negative publicity. This was the smart move.

  3. Beatse21

    He makes a solid point. If you’re going to say you’re the leader you have to act like one. This has been a good example of your best player not always being the best leader. It happened a ton on teams I played for growing up. I’m not saying Ja will never be that guy but he may not be right now. If he’s the leader of the team he’s the one that needs to answer questions. It happens in every professional sports league. I’m the NFL the quarterback is 99% of the time the one who speaks. Same with the NHL and the team captain.

  4. _checkpickerupper

    Ja sold. we all saw it. Doesn’t really need to be explained. This is corny, and clout chasy.

  5. _checkpickerupper

    All the top Memphis media guys keep getting poached by Grind City, so the stragglers feel like they need to go overboard on grizz criticism to stand out. 😂

  6. This team is being subjected to unfair perceptual assassination largely as a result of playing the Warriors then the Lakers consecutive years in the postseason, but takes like this aren’t wrong either. We’ve got to get a veteran in here who’s able and willing to mentor Ja to success in the face-of-the-team and league role he’s been thrust into.

    And while we’re at it, I think most of us can agree it’s time to get off the Dillon Brooks roller coaster. It’s obviously not all his fault, but I don’t know that he can be a constructive part of a next step towards maturity this team needs to take in order to have a chance at accomplishing something big.

  7. This would not be an issue if we would just act like the young team still trying to earn it. Instead we act like we’re the team to beat.

    I don’t mind swagger or shit talking on the court but someone gotta keep our guys in check sometimes. Some real stupid shit has been said by our guys over and over again

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