@Boston Celtics

Jays give each other backrubs post-game

Jays give each other backrubs post-game

by ImeStopPlayingDennis


  1. IncrediblySatanist

    Do we have full video? I just came

  2. bodhibell02

    These two motherfuckers need to win a chip together. IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN

  3. BrianScalaweenie

    All jokes aside, I want these two to stay together and win. I was too young to really get invested in that ‘08 team and so now having the opportunity to see these two (and Marcus, too) grow and develop together has been special.

  4. Xtremefluff

    That feeling when your costar gets 30

  5. Larrydp72181

    But… But… According to ESPN they can’t play together…

  6. Legal_Math4070

    I couldnt be more serious when I say, I would die for both of them

  7. Blizzard854

    This better not awaken anything in me…

  8. PumpPie73

    The Jays understand they need each other to win it all. It takes 2-3 superstars and a great supporting cast to win now.

  9. LGAMER3412

    Everyday I wake up and still can’t believe we drafted these two studs.

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