@Miami Heat

Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade ABANDONS Miami! Says Florida is NOT SAFE and ACCEPTING of his family!

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  1. POS doesn’t feel safe because the rest of Florida isn’t willing to sacrifice their kids like he did. Maybe some day we’ll find out how much $$ Wade is getting paid by Soros groups for selling his son and his soul.

  2. With the impact wade could have made for kids he sold his soul. Sad. Really admired the guy when I was a kid

  3. Wow! Wade was so chill with his answer. Hes not upset or bolstering about it. He's doing what he had to. Saying nobodys losing sleep or cares is childish. Also, everyone knows florida is not just anti lgtbq but also racist. I left and never came back. Miami especially is really bad in a sense of racism and the cost of living. Nobody cares until our country becomes so devided that we cant even have conversations. But its cool keep on talking smack. These podcasts have become so vain and toxic.

  4. Good, your right. Please leave Florida, and move back to safe Chicago, LMAO. Floridians would rather not have you here! Buh By

  5. Pure sellout. ONE THOUSAND PERCENT. D-Bag Wade is a complete SHILL for the leftist LGBT agenda and he proves it once again by spouting LIES about Florida using the same left wing rhetoric used now by these activists. No member of the LGBTQ community is in any danger living in Florida (especially in South Beach) and Wade is just another puppet doing his part in the war The Left have against DeSantis and the state of Florida. Sorry–Florida will PROTECT PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN from activists who want to indoctrinate children SPECIFICALLY BEHIND THE BACKS OF THEIR PARENTS. Wade is a liar and a fraud.

  6. Bye Wade take ur son with ya or whatever he is . Your wife is not happy with it she wanted a man

  7. There is a major difference between being anti LGBTQ and passing regularions to keep the schools from teaching it to 2nd graders. It is ridiculous.

  8. Nobody in Florida is crying that he left because nobody cares about his puffy face behind.

  9. Funny I used to not like you two when you first started your channel for your ideas that the bubble and blm on courts would destroy the NBA which you were wrong because it didn’t like I wrote you back then. But I am fed up with all this whole nonsense period myself at this point . I guess you two just reached your boiling point quicker. The agenda is disgusting

  10. I loved Wade as a player in the NBA, but damn. This just shows what a cuck of a man he has become since getting with Union. What has happened? I think she pushed for his son to transition. & he allowed it. Now if your son or daughter makes that decision when they over 16, ok, but no doubt Union influence pushed it, bc he was only like 8 when Wade got with her.

  11. A child should not legally be able to do make a decision of that magnitude until they’re at least 18 or 21.

  12. Dwyane loved Florida as long as he was collecting hundreds of millions of dollars per year from there , but now that he's retired he's ready to leave . Go to Chicago Dwyane , you will feel more at home there .

  13. Crazy how so many people in the comments section are able to spell Wade's first name correctly but his idiot momma was NOT.

  14. Bless up from Nassau Bahamas 242! I don"t care Dwayne Wade doesn't come back too South Florida but I will be going too South Florida still.. As A Heat fan Dwayne Wade lost a lot off respect from me.. One other thing fella's I disagree with y'all a little but y'all really need too go do your inna research in my Bahamian accent lol, who you think who made Cuba a communist country wayyyyyy back then, "Americans Right" when they try too use the corrupt C.I.A. too over throw Castro by wanted too put in they puppet name Baptista… And when Castro didn't want too bow down too America, America started the embargo in Cuba that's why Cuba where it is today… Y'all Conservative need too travel outside America and see how the world is and stop sitting on y'all ass all day and judging other countries… I had a father who went too Cuba for a surgery in 2010 and 2021 and they did a good job men, Cuba might be in a bad state but they have good damn doctors… Y'all suppose too be talking about Dwayne Wade how y'all get talking about Cuba..

  15. Florida State Miami needs to prosecute Dwyane Wade and wife Gabrielle wade for child abuse because they are child abusers

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