@Indiana Pacers

Sabonis getting owned :(

Kings fans in shambles

by Radiant-Fruit-6695


  1. DrPaulsNexus

    Damn show some loyalty to your guy! That being said some of these deficiencies are things I think we as pacers fans were aware of, the league starting to realize in this spotlight

  2. Ok-Swimming8024

    Was just thinking the lack of rebounding seems familiar

  3. Melodic-Ladder-7042

    Many of us have said he’s a great regular season player but won’t win you a playoff series. His weaknesses are very, very apparent today.

    And the Warriors aren’t even abusing him at the rim as badly as some other teams in the playoffs would lol.

    That being said, they wanted their playoff series and they got it. They should appreciate that.

  4. Xx_FreeWitty_xX

    He’s only viable in the regular season

  5. They are blaming sabonis so they don’t have to blame fox

  6. He didn’t play great but still led the team in scoring rebounding and assists in game 7.
    I swear some of those rebounds looney got were just meant for him. Every ball was going his way even w Sabonis putting a body on him.

  7. Funny-Transition7869

    Its so weird, he has Looney boxed out and he still gets the board every play. I thought Looney was just getting unbelievably lucky bounces but cant deny he just got dogged on the boards at this point. If he works on his right hand like hell then i think he can still take a next step but yea this was rough

  8. Funny-Transition7869

    Fox was also ass today and Curry went off Domas wasnt the reason they lost it just wasnt their night

  9. AccomplishedFront563

    Fact is nobody on their roster could hit a three and that’s what their whole plan revolves around. Huerter was ice cold all series and Fox went cold that game.

    This is why drafting a guy who can knock down 3s is smart for our team. You can never have too many 3s. If Nesmith is off one night put the other guy in or vice versa

    I’d be really nervous to draft a guy like Jarace Walker who teams can just ignore on the perimeter.

    That said Sabonis was missing all his post shots and that isn’t normal for him. he didn’t perform

  10. dasheruns

    Warriors make almost every center look bad

  11. batmans420

    I loved him even when he sucked in the playoffs. They could never be me

  12. capasegidijus

    My god, I haven’t seen bigger morons than Indy fans.
    1. Sabonis is the sole reason why Kings reached playoffs in 16 years. 2. He was No. 1 rebounder in regular season. 3. He solidly made every MVP top 10 list. Tonight he’s the highest scorer when non other player shower up. God you’re buthurt. Can’t believe I was Indy fan. Let see how Halliburton will help you reach playoffs next year.

  13. Zetrick0

    I mean Kevon Looney turning into prime Rodman could not have been on the bingo card.

  14. Revis_FL

    Yeah I went into their post game thread to congratulate them on their season and hope they keep building from there, but first two comments were trashing Sabonis so I noped out lol. I don’t get it though.. he had a solid game from the box score. What’d I miss?

  15. Klumber

    Sabonis had a great first half, he really took control, then he dropped off a cliff with the rest of the team.

    When I played we had a tall center, but the coach constantly rammed the following mantra into us: Rebounding is a team game, next man up. They completely failed to box out, Sabonis was often on an island under the basket fighting Looney and another GSW guy, on the defensive glass…

    But all in all I think the key today was that the Warriors are simply more experienced, it was a nice run for the Kings, but they got schooled by a team that just has patterns engrained into its system that the Kings haven’t got yet.

    That all said, Sabonis has been disappointing all series and he definitely showed inexperience of playing at this level.

  16. Chris_Ween

    Maybe they would trade him back for Myles.

  17. MySabonerRunsOladipo

    I mean, yeah. This was why everyone lost their minds when THE TRADE ™ happened. Domas’ defensive issues are well known. It’s going to be really hard for him to be the starting center on a championship team.

  18. Gethsamane

    His flaws were really put into light this series. leaving him wideeee open near the FT line and he rarely was willing to shoot or even think about it. If he put the ball on the floor he knew he was just going to foul on a charge. While his footwork is fantastic catching the ball in or near the post, he only knows bully ball when he has to dribble into the post. His defense has always been a 0 or a negative. We have been asking him to develop a shot for years but it hasn’t happened. Maybe he can find a way to avoid contact trying to get to the rim. Love the guy though and going to be interesting to see Kings offer him seeing he is coming into the final year of his contract

  19. VirtuousPenguin

    He is awesome and of course we wish nothing but the best but these were glaring struggles we knew all along people just wouldn’t listen

  20. classicdude78

    Sabonis has absolutely no help in the paint..

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