@National Basketball Association

[Bodner] Embiid jokes that “I know I said I don’t care (about the MVP), but it was just for you guys to leave me alone.”

[Bodner] Embiid jokes that “I know I said I don’t care (about the MVP), but it was just for you guys to leave me alone.”

by SquidTwister


  1. Chexlemineuax

    He really had us fooled. Classic Troell

  2. Total_Customer_6627

    The nugs sub is saying some of the meanest shit about Embiid and I guarantee this will fuel the fire.

    Fwiw I think caring about MVP is fine and I sure would to

  3. 0ctologist

    Which was always super obvious, but this entire sub acted as if Joel lied to them personally

  4. BREAKING: man who plays in the most competitive league of basketball cares about winning everything related to basketball

  5. thisisbyrdman

    Caring about winning the most prestigious award in basketball history is awesome. Everyone should care. Doesn’t mean Jokic’s nonchalant approach is bad, but neither is this.

  6. Far-Assumption1330

    BREAKING NEWS- Man who cried and cried about not winning MVP actually was lying when he said he didn’t care!

  7. DerelictDonkeyEngine

    Did a single person on earth think Embiid didn’t care?

  8. throwawayjoeyboots

    I will always laugh at how much Embiid triggers r/nba. Some of you dorks truly hate him with all of your soul and circle jerk your Denver white knight to embarrassing lengths.

  9. Grumpysaurus-Rex

    Wow god forbid a top talent care about winning the pinnacle of individual accolades. This sub is dumb as hell

  10. Iron_Chic

    If I win it, I care.

    If I didn’t win it, I don’t care.

  11. Strong_Confection628

    Thank god this shit is over. The discourse this year was far more toxic compared to Harden and Giannis a few years ago.

    Some people on here and twitter have an incredibly unhealthy parasocial relationship with basketball players, which is exactly what the media wants.

  12. Islandkid679

    Why bring up the Nugs in this thread? Embiid won his, Sixers got their guy to win and you still gotta dog on the other guy? And somehow the Nugs are still obnoxious? Lol this sub

    As for this post, yeah guy of course you did…

  13. BlackyChan20

    This is the saltiest thread today. You don’t become a top talent in your respective industry without being a killer. All of these dudes care and if you ever think that they don’t I have some beach front property in Iowa for you.

  14. AcidofilusRex

    Dude cried about it every chance he got.

  15. datyoungknockoutkid

    Anyone who thinks players don’t care about winning MVP is delusional. It just comes off as selfish if you’re in a playoff run and show signs that an individual award is on your mind, and gives the media some bullshit narrative to run with. Embiid cares, Jokic cares, Giannis cares. Everyone knows this lol.

  16. MegatonDeathclaws

    Bro you cried about it for years.

  17. Yea Joel, you didn’t fool anyone at all

  18. WeeWoooFashion

    Embiid might be the goat of caring about the MVP

  19. Shenanigans80h

    All the comments in this thread tell me that MVP discourse still has plenty of toxicity left in it.

  20. PutinBoomedMe

    Just like he left Joker alone when the 6ers went to Denver

  21. MyLinksMakeNoSense

    lmao i had so many discussions with sixers fans claiming he was not lying

  22. lmfaooo yeah you tricked everyone for sure…

  23. The amount of butt hurt Embiid haters in here is hilarious

  24. ADoverEmbiid

    If I lose it was rigged

    I’m the man if I win

    Before settling for a narrative, I took em all for a spin

  25. OneWildAndCrazyGuy17

    Did he literally ever say that? I have never seen someone care about MVP more in any sport than embiid

  26. SomewhereExisting121

    He was rewarded for ducking the h2h matchup against Joker in Denver and missing 20 ish games, but clearly voter fatigue and the campaign for Embiid got too big for him not to get it

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