@Philadelphia 76ers

With the recent firing of Bud & Nurse, I believe the only way Doc keeps his job is to win the chip

Let’s get it, Doc!!! 💪

by Spite_Annual


  1. Head-Kiwi-9601

    Why would anyone want either of these knuckleheads?

  2. darylraspberry

    Call me crazy but I think doc has done a good job this year and it seems like many of the players like playing for him. On the whole, If we lose to Boston it’s probably because their roster is just better then ours after embiid. I may change my mind depending on what doc does this series, but I don’t think a new coach magically solves the rosters issues (not athletic or skilled enough on the wing)

  3. SquashForDinner

    Nah a hard fought finals will still let him keep his job. Context is everything.

  4. signupseriouslywtf

    Guess he must feel pretty secure then BECAUSE THE SIXERS ARE WINNING IT ALL LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO

  5. Emanresu4523

    Doc begged his players to show him something at the end of last season and they wouldn’t even look at him. He gives them nothing. Makes nothing easy for them. Get him the fuck out of here

  6. KeyboardCarpenter

    If we make it out of the second round he keeps his job 100%. If we don’t I think it’s like 65% hes still here.

  7. mattyboh1993

    I went from being indifferent, to being a hater, to now I really like him! I love the Paul Reed minutes when he has so obviously been the answer the last 2 years and he’s actually been coaching very well so far in the playoffs! He would have to implode pretty bad for me to change my opinion on him these playoffs

  8. Fratervsoe

    He’ll keep his job if they get past Boston. Which they won’t.

  9. bravof1ve

    Rivers is back unless there’s a horrible choke this series

  10. GaugeWon

    I think people underestimate how much stars will stick around to play under a “players coach”.

    He just motivates and lets them do their thing, for better or worse, it’s the way they like it.

  11. BrokenManOfSamarkand

    Fans always want to fire the coach, but 90% of the time the alternatives out there are a lateral move or worse. Barring an incredible fuck up that is solely attributable to Doc, I think I want him back next year.

  12. phillypharm

    He’s been fine this year but let’s be honest. Outside of his chip with the big 3, he’s never shown he can succeed and adjust. I hope this year is different, but his history is telling.

  13. Bajecco

    Glenn isn’t great, but he’s done fine, and Embiid loves him, so he’s not going anywhere. If the Celtics wipe them out in the next 3 games, maybe Morey fires him.

  14. If we lose in the finals, he’s not getting fired.

  15. corya45

    WOULD LOVE EITHER IF THESE GUYS!! I kinda hope they fire him reguardless but I can’t see that happening if we make the conference finals tbh.

  16. Swank10

    He wins the conference he ain’t losing his job

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