@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Denis Schroder grabs Draymond Green’s knee on the run by in a dangerous play

[Highlight] Denis Schroder grabs Draymond Green’s knee on the run by in a dangerous play

by fbreaker


  1. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    Common foul. Doesn’t have a history.

  2. LazyTitan___

    Imagine if Draymond did this to a laker lmao


    lemme just uhhhhhhhh yank the shit out your knee, surely the 1800 cameras all over the arena won’t notice

  4. Schroder you are such a fucking idiot.

    Such a unnecessarily dangerous play and you’re lucky to not get a flagrant or worse

  5. MrRonRodeo

    If Draymond had done that could you even imagine

  6. lannistargaryen

    Why this dude keep grabbing knees

  7. probablyjimmylam

    You better buy me dinner after that kind of contact

  8. cantletyougetclose

    Flip the players and there’s a pitchfork shortage

  9. MrVincent17

    Off topic but Jeff Van Gundy got to be the biggest Warriors hater ever

  10. FallacyFrank

    And the refs decide, upon review, that this is a basketball play.

  11. IAmOnJupiterRightNow

    That should’ve been a flagrant.

  12. Should be flagrant, dirty play, joint areas are weaker, couldve torn his ACL if he was trying to move really fast/didn’t stop.

  13. TarmanLives

    Draymond is gonna absorb this move and use it later like when mega man beats a boss robot

  14. nowhathappenedwas

    “I like it when it gets contentious.”

    -Jeff Van Gundy

  15. scarvana

    Flip the players and this is the top post of all time

  16. Relevant_Gold4912

    Second time Dennis has grabbed and pulled someone’s knee this game.

  17. SmitherPablo

    Wasn’t that the second time he did that shit this game

  18. LongjumpAdhesiveness

    Pretty standard Schroder play. He just likes knees.

  19. Outland3r_

    It’s like when you’re a kid and you use a railing/post as a pivot point to go around a corner quickly

  20. NosebleedBananas

    He did that earlier in the game too XD

  21. classicaluncondition

    I mean. Lakers used to getting 20+ FT they prolly cool with this haha

  22. elpaco25

    “And what are your dislikes Charlie?”


    “**People’s KNEES**”

  23. eexxiitt

    This would be the #1 thread in this sub if draymond was the one that grabbed a knee lol.

  24. happiwarriorgoddess

    Refs blew this. It was flagrant 1 for sure maybe even a 2.

  25. Fireryman

    I legit thought draymond just extended his leg at first.

    You can’t be grabbing an opposing players leg like that!

  26. yutfree

    Still not sure how that’s a common foul. Anyone who has ever injured their knees knows it’s a short trip from “my knee is fine” to “my knee is fucked.”

  27. RockyattheTop

    Can I say this unironically? Broke the code

  28. sfgreenman

    Dirty, low class lower level player trying to hang with the champs and looking desperate in the process, like the 100% pathetic fake flop when Poole was dribbling toward this fool last game.

  29. ticklemenazi

    “iF tHaT wAs dRaYmOnD” have you considered that’s exactly the reason why?

  30. zatsnotmyname

    Did the same thing to DiVencenzo earlier in the game. WTF?

  31. dumbass refs didn’t call that flagrant? they never cease to amaze

  32. PopLegion

    As a complete Draymond hater, even prefacing it with the “maybe he deserved it” quote, that was clearly an intention dirty play.

  33. BuzztheSilas

    Schroder was clearly just grabbing Draymond’s knee to give him that extra burst of speed to close out on Curry’s shot lol

    Seriously though, how the hell was that just a common foul?

  34. charliebrown22

    Draymond: we can do that now? Let’s go

  35. itsahmemario

    Whether Draymond deserves it or not…

    Whether Dennis was frustrated by the screens or not…

    Whether it’s intentionally dirty or not…

    That shouldn’t matter. Shit is dangerous. A flagrant 1 would’ve said to cut that shit out.

  36. aaden08

    Its been said already but if Draymond did that, there would be much more of an uproar and calls for a suspension.

  37. phishyz2

    I know it’s against draymond and he has a history of being dirty but this is a flagrant 1 and it’s incredibly inconsistent of the nba to not call it one

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