@National Basketball Association

Steph Makes A RIDICULOUS 3 & Even Dell Curry Was Surprised! 🤣 | #Shorts


  1. Gotta be a great feeling knowing greatness came outta your sac 😢😂😂

  2. Curry is low-key dirty for the little slap on Schroeder after the follow through 😂

  3. I mean I always think Trae's are something else, but this one was Steph was pretty special too. Found the space and just tested the waters. Let it fly and "It's good!"

  4. That was an amazing shot but you have to give credit to donte he dived on the floor which led to the three. Warriors in 6

  5. And schreder got the balls to complain about getting bitchslapped? He charged curry first

  6. Why was Schroeder complaining to the refs? “C’mon refs this ain’t fair….we can’t get a foul for Curry kicking me while I foul him?”

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