@Los Angeles Lakers

AD is a bad man.

AD is a bad man.

by MrBones2k


  1. jattyrr

    Dude is a top 5 player in this league idc what anybody says

    Lebron is still the best just based on his IQ and experience alone

  2. ilovepapamarin

    This is why we gave up so much for him.

  3. INT_MIN

    It’s not even that he’s elite or the best defender in the NBA. He’s the best by a damn mile.

    Two coaches and two completely different rosters are ranked at the top in 2020 an 2023 and the only constant between the two defensively is AD.

  4. the_far_yard

    He’s like an anti-missile dome or something. The deflections were massive after he changed how his drop-coverage was with the Warrior’s pick and roll.

  5. kingtradeofficial

    My only gripe with him as of the moment is that if Jokic can score 30-40 points in his sleep against bigger guys, AD could definitely, too, given his skillset.

    But all things considered, Id rather have an AD being this beast on the defense.

  6. subpulse44

    He is the best defensive player in the league. There’s no answer for him on that end.

  7. needatleast

    AD is an all-time great defender. Probably top 20 of all time. We can put him on anybody if we get past the warriors. Jokic, KD, Embiid, Tatum, Butler

  8. Kingkongcrapper

    Some more fun stats. He is currently 11th all time for single season playoff blocks per game. 5th if you only count players making it past the first round. His block percentage is currently 4th all time. First if you consider players that have played more than 7 games. 2023 Embiid is currently ahead but has played. 5 games so far.

    His rebounding this season is top 30 all time if you consider post 1980 seasons.

    His defensive rating is close to 2004 Duncan and all the prime Shaq years at time of faster pace basketball, and while facing the next Gen version of DRose and the greatest shooting team in NBA history.

    He is averaging 3.3 deflections per game which puts him fifth for players who have played 3 or more playoff games this year. The other players above him are guards. Kawhi is top of the list with 5 but only played two games. Jokic is the next big at 2.8.

    If you look at his hustle stats nearly all of them match up with Kawhi’s two games. Which means he’s not only the best big defender in the league right now. He may also be the best wing defender as well.

    Le bonus: if the Lakers can get to the next series it’s very possible Lebron passes 2000 career playoff assists this year. He currently sits at 1965.

  9. khelogs

    It gets even crazier when you realized he hasnt won a DPOY. lolol

  10. xElectricW

    The defensive run he’s on right now is an all-timer, not sure when the last time we saw someone be this dominant during the playoffs was

  11. itsyaboikuzma

    I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but if we make the finals and win, and the finals plays out like how these series have been going, AD’s gotta be the Finals MVP right? Despite on and off nights on offense, the man is the cornerstone of the best defense of the playoffs so far and on many possessions is single handedly crippling the other team’s offense. Credit to the team defense as a whole but without AD’s abilities it doesn’t work.

  12. sezyHena

    And this is why I don’t want to hear shit from media about on/off Davis. When his defense prevents 20+ points, thats as good as getting 20+ on the offensive end.

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