@Philadelphia 76ers

Report: Kings offered Tyrese Haliburton to Sixers in Ben Simmons talks

Report: Kings offered Tyrese Haliburton to Sixers in Ben Simmons talks

by HorrorCharacter5127


  1. ErickBachman

    Never forget all the mental gymnastics from other fan bases determining Bens trade value

    Brogdon and 2 seconds

  2. HoagieTwoFace


  3. SosaDaVinci

    Tyrese Haliburton is never in his life having the games Harden had in games 1 and 4, nor is he commanding as much attention from the defense as Harden

  4. KeyboardCarpenter

    Interesting. I’m more than happy with getting Harden but I certainly do wonder what this team would look like with Hali instead

  5. yazboy13

    As a kings fan… thank fucking god this didn’t happen

  6. Ronshol

    Haliburton is not ready yet. He’s putting up decent numbers on a shitty Indiana team. If we got him we’d be wasting Embiid’s prime.

    Haliburton would’ve probably been better long term. But if you wanna win a championship right now Harden was and still is the better choice.

  7. Theballharperhit

    we should have gone for haliburton and will regret it when harden shoots 4-18 next game and leaves in the off season.

  8. illbethrown456

    tyrese is better long term yes but no fucking way he’d be doing what harden is doing rn. we need someone who can step up if embiid’s playing poorly and hali aint that rn. sorry, f off with any hindsight bias here. harden is the man for the job if we want to capitalize on embiid’s prime

  9. secretlypooping

    Would’ve been a great option if James didn’t ask out of Brooklyn.

    I remember the reports at the time saying we were trying to include Tobias in a Simmons for Hali deal. Probably the reason they pivoted to Sabonis.

    Morey is one of the best in the business.

  10. I wanted Hali so bad but I’m not mad about it.. Hardens played well

  11. cannibowlistic

    If this came out game 3 yall would be singing a different tune.

  12. BabaBrody

    It’s just hard to believe any of that unless it was Ben and stuff for Haliburton. I don’t think anyone realized at that point that Ben was as in rough a shape as he is, but no one was banging down the door for him. Brooklyn was basically forced to take him and hope for the best.

  13. franklsw

    Does that mean they would’ve given fox?

  14. corya45

    This will be unpopular rn but if we don’t make the finals this year or next year, this was the better option hali is gonna be a fucking star and him and maxey would’ve been the best backcourt in the nba in like 3 years

  15. What-tha-fck_Elon

    Who gives a fuck it’s 2 years later

  16. averagebensimmons

    I had thought that would be a great return for Simmons as I thought getting Harden was a pipe dream. Hali had a really good season this year too. Probably not good for the win now approach, but an additional player in the trade may have provided more assets for the Sixers to make additional trades.

  17. thatdudenute

    Nearly anyone is better than Ben Simmons

  18. justindivirgilio

    *Stephen A’s voice* let me tell you something right now, we don’t care.

    We have James Harden.

  19. PwillyAlldilly

    Hali’s going to be a star for year to come. Would have cemented a partnership for years to come. If the 76ers win the chip this year won’t matter but I’ve always been a Harden hater since he was on rockets so.

  20. majormajorsnowden

    A lot of Sixers fans wanted CJ McCollum

  21. _token_black

    As somebody who wanted them to raid the Kings, if you’re looking at the Embiid window, Harden was the better move. The key of course is maximizing the time they have together though.

    Hopefully a Harris trade is priority 1b with figuring out if Harden stays.

  22. Serpico2

    If we win the chip this year, it’s all good. If we lose to the Cs and Harden goes back to Houston, this hurts.

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