@Los Angeles Lakers



by iamtoolazytosleep


  1. wrongleveeeeeeer

    He’s ice fuckin cold. Incredible stuff.

  2. Never losing his spot again..Mike Beas, Troy, idgaf he’s our boy now. One of three sons-Austhim, Vandolorian, and now Lonnie Skywalker

  3. erizzluh

    he needs one of those apology threads for all the people who doubted him

    was so frustrating watching the other quarters where everyone was just freezing lonnie out on offense.

  4. annoyedboy671

    This was not in my bingo card for this series. Unbelievable. Sorry for hating on you Lonnie it was never personal. Amazing

  5. payne2588

    He won us this game no fucking doubt about it. No Lonnie no win tonight. He showed the fuck out

  6. Aclectic

    Someone please make the Tobey McGuire meme with glasses where it’s Kobe but it’s really Lonnie

  7. Patrius

    LONNIE FKING SKYWALKER, out of the rotation for most of playoffs then comes in when we needed him the most to carry! LEGENDARY

  8. kronos9797

    Ima name my first kid Lonnie bro, damn he a legend!!!!

  9. the-pak-man

    This man is the definition of PROFESSIONAL. So fucking inspiring. THANK YOU SKYWALKER

  10. Lonnie the 4th in the 4th quarter in game 4!!!!!

  11. Due_Bath7966

    Bron, AD, Steph, Klay all on the court and fucking Lonnie was the best player in the 4th. That shit poetic

  12. Clearly the game was rigged to favour Lonnie it’s the only explanation

  13. WhatTheRickIsDoin

    I haven’t been this proud of a Lakers role player in a long time

    I’m so happy for Lonnie

  14. jono9898

    AR15 and LW4 carried in the 4th, love to see it.

  15. whodatGbe

    Hi,Spurs fan here. I was hated on the Spurs reddit cuz I always hyped up lonnie. No one saw his potential like me, so I’m glad the Spurs fans that disowned him are crying. Good to see him get his praise. Treat him well.

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