@Boston Celtics

I’ll just leave this here…

I’ll just leave this here…

by SomeOldPeople


  1. adri_figueroa

    definitely one of the best Smart games ever he was so impressive. He regressed this year but this is the type of play we need from him

  2. AffectLast9539

    potential other reasons for behavior:

    “I only care about hesi pull up jimbos”

    “I don’t have that dog in me”

    “I have no respect for Tommy points”

  3. cmc_626

    Green hair scares me and I don’t know why 😂😂

  4. He played very well last night. No one owes him an apology for recognizing that he contributed enormously to a 3-2 series deficit.

  5. _Atlas_Drugged_

    You had me until first ballot hall of famer, not gonna lie.

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