@Golden State Warriors

Yes Klay didn’t play well lately. But let’s not forget he literally helped us hold on to a playoff spot while Steph was out this season. Always appreciate you G. Run it back!!

Yes Klay didn’t play well lately. But let’s not forget he literally helped us hold on to a playoff spot while Steph was out this season. Always appreciate you G. Run it back!!

by tacoiscomin


  1. giantdub49

    The klay hate is from the bandwagons. He didn’t have a good game, but that doesn’t mean he needs to be traded.

    He’s our HOF SG, and he’s here to stay!

    He’s done so much for us and ppl need to stfu

  2. Unfair-Worker929

    Klay is the Electrician. A Future HOF, should have made the Top 75 and I’m proud of all he has done.

  3. Shelter_Enough

    Klay was bombastic during the regular season when we needed him the most. Poole also had the most points by a Warrior during the regular season, and played all 82 games averaging 20 ppg. Poole and Klay both contributed massively. Without them our team would have gone under early in the season. And people still want them off our team? Goes to show how many nephews are in this sub rn

  4. NaiveNeck984

    Was a disappointment in the Postseason but he kept the Warriors afloat when we were barely clinching onto a playoff spot. He obviously has a lot more in the tank but his shot selection cost the teams a lot of games this year. He’ll bounce back. That’s what he does.

  5. commonground3

    Probably would have been only in play in if not for Klay having amaging Jan and Feb 2023 months. Just a head scratcher of a season for the dubs. Biggest issue was it seemed the JOY was gone for much of the season. Love the Warriors no matter what.

  6. zGoatified

    He had 1 good month????? He was trash most of the regular season and trash in the playoffs. I don’t think anyone is hating on his legacy or anything. It’s just we have to live in the now, it’s a very what are you doing for me now league. He was butt and given his injury history + his shift in play-style I doubt he gets any better or reaches Prime Klay again.

  7. namestartswithZ

    he’s ok but does not deserve a max

  8. Necessary_Career_253

    Klay had a fantastic regular season and have us heaps of highlights. He competed these playoffs hard, shame his shot wasn’t there. The next step is for him to evolve in his game play. More cuts, half the shots, double his assists, reduced minutes, better overall impact. Klay is still a legend.

  9. sunny001

    Disagree with you there. He can be the worst player on the team if he’s not shooting well that day. Chucking 3s and never passing the ball. He did help when curry was not there but those were mostly home games and Poole also contributed.

  10. AbbreviationsOld2865

    Klay is the man! One of my all time favorites in any sport

  11. He’s not worth a max or near max after next season. If he wants one, time for the Warriors to move on

  12. pinkiebear

    He also was terrible the entire first half of the season. Wasn’t in shape and forced terrible shots that lost us a lot of games.

    He’s not a consistent player at all and Warriors desperately need to find Steph a reliable 2nd option.

  13. zeidorade777

    I think we can bring Klay back, but not if he demands a max deal. I also think he needs to train a lot more this offseason and hopefully overcome some of the mental hurdles that affected him last summer.

  14. Goldenstate2000

    We all love Klay, period .

    Suggest he’ll need to take a cut or we can’t afford to back up the HOFers, Wigs, Loon, and a bench. Let alone a run for the finals next year

  15. Coronabandkaro

    We don’t have a dynasty if not for Klay going off in the OG game 6 against the Thunder. We lose in the WCF, don’t get KD and LeBron would have 7 ringsby now.

  16. mrchowfun

    No more b2b games next year….need fresh legs for postseason

  17. -Accession-

    I want to see him refocus – get in immaculate shape this summer, get out of his mental funk, lock in for next season.

  18. YSLMangoManiac

    The Klay slander is a bit ridiculous, we know what he’s capable of and by now we also know that he plays a lot better coming off 2 days of rest. To me it was clear that the every other day games schedule tired his legs out which affected his shot.

  19. AxelaAJ

    Love Klay and not taking anything he’s done for the team or what he’s had to go through these past few years. I still have faith in him. He helped pull us through the regular season. What I hope is he recognizes and acknowledges his absent elite defense that he used to have, taking a team friendly deal. Curry needs more help than ever. I hope we shop JP so he can be solo splash somewhere else like he wants. Got love for him too but that airheaded-ness doesn’t fit with the culture. He ain’t curry and hopefully this post season and off season he’s humbled.

  20. fireman4u538

    Lost lots of respect for clay this year the way he acted with the grizzles flashed that he had 4 rings but played like crap … looked old and slow … trade him

  21. Zen2188

    I hope GS keeps him and pays him handsomely until he no longer wants to play.

    I think they owe it to him.

    But I am not a GS fan

    Heres hoping though lol

  22. Bulletproofpride

    Nah fam. He’s out. Have fun playing in china Klay!!

  23. izzymaque

    I can’t stand the slander from some fair weather fans… OG have been defending the OG, so that’s refreshing to see. We wouldn’t have the expectations we have without his contributions, so I for one am grateful, shots falling or not.

    Wasn’t even a given he’d be in a position to contribute given his injuries.

  24. prijasha

    This is the way. Love love love Klay. Hoping he retires a warrior. This season is done and team/FO will figure it out next year. Everything is gravy since last year. They gave us more than we could have ever imagined. They deserve it. We are spoiled with the amount of success we have been through thanks to this core. They have earned it and then some. We all feel sad at the thought of not getting to see our team play at the highest level anymore. This is how the game goes.

  25. Traditional-Carob-48

    Warriors fans arguing with each other over Klay is so much fun to witness

  26. Sublimotion

    He’s one of the big reasons for W’s playoff exit this year. While he’s also one of the big reasons for their 4 NBA rings and 6 conference championships in within a decade. He can still put up great games here and there, consistency of that has been on a decline. His 1 on 1 defense has looked pretty subpar post-injury which is understandable. So looking forward, there is no denying his value is on a decline as well and he should be paid accordingly to that.

  27. DocAchaem

    Heart of a Champion. He’s never afraid to shoot em. He may miss them but he won’t shy away from the moment and that’s all you can ask for.

    A team friendly deal would mean more chips and more endorsement $. Hopefully Klay makes a smart choice. He’s also the son of an NBA player and doesn’t seem to have too many financial responsibilities in terms of kids etc.

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