@National Basketball Association

[Richard Jefferson] scoffs at Perkins suggesting the Lakers could make the Conference Finals after their trade deadline moves: “13th in the West and this man sat up here and told America that they could make Conference Finals! The Lakers ceiling is the [barely making] the postseason”

[Richard Jefferson] scoffs at Perkins suggesting the Lakers could make the Conference Finals after their trade deadline moves: “13th in the West and this man sat up here and told America that they could make Conference Finals! The Lakers ceiling is the [barely making] the postseason”

by AashyLarry


  1. xpillindaass

    kendrick perkins > 90% of the rest of the media

  2. theoldgreenwalrus

    RJ getting dad-dicked by Perk. Such is the life of an nba analyst

  3. honditar

    Can’t wait for the revisionist history takes where all the haters deny this ever happened

  4. kobmug_v2

    LeBron never gets the benefit of the doubt in the media and they’ve decided to start disrespecting AD as well since he went to LA.

    No All-Star, All-NBA, All-Defence or DPOY votes this year is crazy.

  5. nutelamitbutter

    LeBron is still the most valuable player in the league

  6. LessSaussure

    I was so mad after that trade dead line. When the rumors started I thought “there is no way this is true, teams wouldn’t just agree to these stupid trades that are clearly in LA’s favor” But they did and it was true. After that I knew the Lakers had finally repaired their team after Lebron destroyed it in 2021 and should be considered as serious contenders

  7. moby323

    Well I’m sorry, Richard, I thought this was America.

    Is this not America?

    ^I ^thought ^this ^was ^America.

  8. justsomeguy5

    Ya’ll just don’t know. My twitter fingers are ***ready*** for this championship win. Ya’ll better PRAY they don’t. 🤣

  9. trimble197

    You know Perk is waiting to shit all over RJ

  10. twelve026

    Everybody was on that Hospital room floor in Phoenix like they were going to the finals lol

  11. swampcreature511

    A lot of these dudes have always been counting Lebron out since the narrative came out that he was “old.”

  12. sezyHena

    I fucking love receipts like these so much 🙏

  13. jerome0423

    Same with those Pelican fans claiming that the lakers are tanking for them lmao.

  14. dkong86

    RJ is one thing but c’mon Malika, you’re better than that. Props to Perk tho not only making this call super early but has never wavered (he recently called said Warriors had 0 chance after Game 4).

  15. MrSyphax

    Didnt they then beat the bucks that night lmfao wrong long term and short term

    nvm they lost to the bucks oh well

  16. YouArentOwedAnything

    If there’s one thing lakers fans are incredible at it is keeping receipts, well earned though


    I mean, to be fair, most of us (including myself) thought the same thing. They really turned things around.

  18. vrkhfkb

    Richard Jefferson forgot the universe is on LeBron’s side 😂. This is the perfect legendary 20th season script. Break Kareem’s scoring record, become the lowest seed ever to win NBA championship. NBA already sold the movie rights to Netflix.

  19. white2234

    Lebron gave Richard a ring & he doubts him still amazing

  20. dorkaxe

    Can we all agree that most analysts are dumb? Like, all they do is try to predict what’ll happen in the future, and I’d say they aren’t even right 50% of the time. What a waste. Analysis is so much more interesting, but nah, predictions and overreacting to other people’s predictions are where it’s at.

  21. inefekt

    I put a 50 on Lakers making the NBA Finals in December when they were 13th so I’m with Perk here

  22. YoungNissan

    I always say don’t ever count LeBron out. That being said I didn’t think they would get to the conference finals tbh. I’m happy I want a rematch of 2020 badly

  23. Simple-Account-2490

    Perk said that about the raptors too in 2019 and got shit on for it. He’s won a chip he knows the guys he gotta fear.

  24. Halfie951

    Hahhahahahaha Perkins needs to bring out the receipts on all of them!!!

  25. Seyhven_

    The one time Perkins was right lmao he’s going to ride this shit to his grave.

  26. motorboat_mcgee

    This video and the comments about what various media folks and ‘analysts’ have said, make me very glad I don’t watch, listen, or read anything from these folks

  27. Outrageous-Meat-4318

    I did not expect a Kendrick Perkins redemption arc

  28. 48johnX

    Jesus I almost forgot the Blazers were 27-28 and right there at the race, insane fall off

  29. SirKelvinTan

    I don’t watch NBA today but good for perk lol

  30. Maybe older fans could weight in, was there ever a team that was more improved then this Lakers just via midseason trades?

  31. Thisisgoingtopainz

    They all look so damn right stupid now with their high chair laughs and shit

  32. xiSerbia

    “They’re 5-5 over the last 10 but could very well be 5-6 tonight”

    No honey, that’s not how last 10 works.

  33. JasonLikesCTE

    Personally didn’t think it was that wild of an idea. They were only a few games out of 8 seed and upgraded PG position and added good depth with LeBron still playing great and AD is AD

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