@Memphis Grizzlies

Grizzlies SUSPEND Ja Morant From All Basketball Activities I CBS Sports

The Memphis Grizzlies have suspended Ja Morant From Team Activities.


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  1. This is getting stupid. Suspending someone for exercising constitutional rights. How many league owners are invested in gun companies?

  2. Hate to say it but this is more indictive of black culture in the US than anything. Its a point of pride to act hood and street. This shit will never end until black people get sick and tired of being on the bottom. Which is hard to do when you have white liberals in your ear all the time saying it's not your behavior, its your skin color. Well guess what, it is your behavior.

  3. So let me get this straight, Ja Morant flashes a gun over the internet, didn't shoot anyone and gets suspended, is this what we are seeing? A kid goes to a protest in Milwaukee with an assault rifle and Kills someone because he feared for his life. Lied through his teeth on the stand, shedded fake tears found not guilty and was allowed to enroll in college. now I;m not a racist, but let me say this when white people do something, other white people come to their defense with the quickness to try and squash the matter. watch black people crucify and sacrifice this dude because like they always say, he making black people look bad. The media on Monday like ESPN is going to talk about it all day like it was a hurricane or something. A person can walk in a Walmart carrying a weapon because its his right to bear arms and nothing is said or done. I can go on and on about the unbalances we see everyday but why? Alot of you already know. Trump on a hot mic exposed how much of a pervert he is while married yet he is still allowed to run for office, lol but not funny. I'm reading these comments and it always seem to be the ones who do nothing all day but act like they walk on water. We all have our demons. I'm not wishing for him to get help because all he did was flash a gun. All this is about is a brand protecting their image. Behind close doors what you think they doing, who they sleeping with, getting high with? Wake up people and stop being so quick to judge.

  4. Sit yo axx down ja u is slow bruh stop it jack smh Grizzlies ain't going to cut him so that's why he does whatever he wants to do smh

  5. It's a double standard: black guy with gun=criminal
    White guy with gun=patriot


  6. So what if he shows a gun. It’s not illegal to own a gun. It’s not a good image to show to kids but your over exaggerating it. But then again people have no problem with actors and artists doing satanic demonic things/ lifestyle and rap about it so why do y’all care now?

  7. If the NBA wants to salvage their ‘Dwindling’ respect…
    Then this Dudes career is Over!
    Nuff said

  8. Bro just can’t stop fuckin up the bag he done 🤦🏿‍♂️

  9. You all are dumb 😆 social media is the problem. If neither video gets posted and Ja never gets in trouble outside the NBA which he hasn't then we never get to judge what he does on his personal time.

  10. This ain't 'I'm just a human, I made mistakes.' kind anymore.

  11. Don't feel bad for this hood rat. Hopefully he goes back to hole he crawled out of. Terrible role model and professional. Typical though

  12. I still don't get why a multi millionaire basketball player wanna be a gangster😂 bro I'd bag my money, retire, drink and smoke like I'm a king in my house, eat nachos and watch TV 😂

  13. Ja is a case study in social media addiction. There is no reason for him to be a gang-banger. A reasonable person wouldn’t just throw it all away like that. He just cannot control himself.

  14. I never seen a Multi Millionaire who wants to be Broke n Back in the Projects or Back in a Bad Neighborhood or City , He definitely don't want Legal Money 💰

  15. Go ahead and blame mental health as the reason ….

    Y’all can’t keep using that as a scapegoat especially when you have the money, the resources, and the connections to get yourself the help you need. I don’t want to her no excuses from any of you .

  16. He's sorry before and sorry again! Eliminate by Lakers! Eliminate indefinitely by the NBA.
    NBA needs to kick his sorry jackass out of league, and let him go play with thugs in pickup games in the streets. Sure knows who his friends are. Ones that don't have his back and don't help him.

  17. Cant remember the last time a NHL player did this. Meanwhile NBA/NFL players get caught with rape, guns, drugs every other day. Shame.

  18. One of the most talented players in a generation, but unfortunately dumb as a box of rocks and determined to be thug. He needs to lose ALL of his endorsements and his his ridiculous $40mil/yr contract to finally wake his stupid ass up!

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