@Brooklyn Nets

Stephen A Smith said yesterday that Damian Lillard is probably trying to get to Brooklyn

Stephen A Smith said yesterday that Damian Lillard is probably trying to get to Brooklyn

by aaliyaahson


  1. well_damm

    Everyone except Bridges / Clax. Letā€™s get it done, bring dame home.

  2. ssj3pretzel

    There’s too much noise for it to not be a real possibility

  3. Cruztd23

    Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. From where I sit Damian lillard is content to chill in Portland cuz thereā€™s no expectations, heā€™s paid a ton, and heā€™s a super star over there.

    If he talks about winning a championship and stuff like that maybe Iā€™ll believe reports

  4. dlamptey103

    I think its def a possibility but I doubt it happensp

  5. Im all for Dame but youā€™re delusional if you think we get him without giving up Bridges, Clax or Cam J. Nobody else has any value. Dame is a top 15 NBA player.

  6. mai_wife_beats_me

    He legitimately might be, but don’t forget that Stephen A has already showed us that confidently reports stuff that fans are saying on twitter. Remember when he said Kyrie cooked Harden in a pickup game then called him fat because some troll twitter account made it up?

  7. vaviove

    That would be huge for you guys. Your roster is filled with amazing role players and Bridges is a great second option. This would be exciting.

  8. makeyourbedson

    Dame ainā€™t Kyrie and if he comes out here whoā€™s gonna help him ?

  9. makeyourbedson

    I heard MIA wanted Dame for Tyler Herro & Bam. Dam coming to BK because he is who he his. A Nets jersey wouldnā€™t be bad but it wouldnā€™t be good either. Por would want to take Claxton & Bridges for sure ainā€™t nobody checking for Ben

  10. porkchopsdapplesauce

    First game I ever went to in 2014 was in the very last row of the arena while i was in high school. We were super trash so i was there specifically to see Dame. This is a full circle nba moment for me. Iā€™m an adult with a solid income now if i get the chance Iā€™m sitting pretty for his debut.

  11. Doc-Spock


    Enough to know that doesn’t mean anything.

  12. Herbetet

    I think there is something about building a team from the ground up without mortgage half the team for a super star. If we could do what the Heat did and keep Bridges and Clax as our foundation pieces a la Bam/Herro and get someone like Jimmy that would be great. A great player that does not demand the supermax and can only play offense

  13. JayPunk27

    FWIW, he also correctly called us getting Kyrie & KD back in 2019, so he hasnā€™t been off base before, lol.

  14. DukeVonFluff

    stephen a is kind of a clown but he also does legitimately have sources in the league and amongst players, if heā€™s reporting something it usually means something is actually brewing

  15. john0_0

    Why would he leave Portland just to come to Portland east? At this point in his career, If there arenā€™t two other win now superstars on the roster, idk why dame would go

  16. Psychological_Lie_38

    welp i guess we aren’t getting Dame

  17. n_jacat

    Nobody should ever take what this clown has to say seriously. Heā€™s a baseless hot take machine that only exists on the platform to say shit to make clickbait articles and posts.

  18. WhoEatsThinOreos

    You member when we gave up a first round pick for Gerald fucking Wallace that ended up becoming the Lillard pick? I member.

  19. BigBlue1210

    He will be less of a drama queen then Kyrie that’s for sure but we threw assets for an aging stars too many times with it all backfiring big time. I would pass.

  20. FajitaTits

    ā€œProbably tryingā€ā€¦Iā€™m looking forward to the summer off-season shitposts way earlier than usual this year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  21. Acrobatic-Dog7044

    I don’t see Dame leaving the Blazers if anything there gonna try and take Bridges from us. If they don’t get the number one pick they’re definitely gonna try and trade it to try and build a contender. They really want Bridges.

  22. MrMoistandDelicious

    Stephen A Smith is also a dimwit



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