@Memphis Grizzlies

Ja Morant’s Statement on Latest Incident

What do you guys think?

by Vengenceonu


  1. Vengenceonu

    Ja Morant statement: “I know I’ve disappointed a lot of people who have supported me. This is a journey and I recognize there is more work to do. My words may not mean much right now, but I take full accountability for my actions. I’m committed to continuing to work on myself.”

  2. theglicky

    Unfortunately his words don’t mean much, hopefully another statement isn’t needed in the future

  3. jpndrds

    10:40pm on a Tuesday night right after the Draft Lottery for a generational prospect and during game one of the conference finals is wild timing lmao

  4. mmps901

    Hmmm. The only way to show you’ve learned and changed is by consistent improved behavior over time. He went 2 months last time before a second incident and people had started to forgive. It’s going to take a lot more time and WAY more than words to get on the other side of this. I do hope for his sake that he means it… this time.

  5. NoirPochette

    Until he shows it, people aren’t going to believe it

  6. GrizzGump

    Don’t care about words. I’m in 2 strike mode. Do your time, never get that 3rd, and we’re straight.

  7. BookkeeperWooden9196

    Ja is demonstrating true courage and accountability by owning up to his actions, and I wholeheartedly commend him for it.

    It’s important to remember that we are all fallible beings and that nobody is perfect. I am proud of this individual, and I hope that everyone can move on from any negative feelings and work towards greatness together.

  8. _ItsMeVince

    He can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk unfortunately.

  9. Waffleshuriken

    FO should send someone over to his house and replace all of his guns with supersoakers. Just in case

  10. mmps901

    Not even checking the r/nba sub to see if this is up right now. I know what’s being said

  11. CleanUpWoMane

    This is so hollow and really makes me dislike him even more than I already do right now. So no apology to Adam Silver, the Grizzlies organization and your teammates and most importantly to Grizz fans and the city of Memphis? SMH he really could’ve kept this shit.

  12. sbstooge

    I mean he’s right, his words don’t mean shit. We will see I guess but I said that last time 🤷‍♂️

  13. FieryTub

    That sort of comment was empty last time. Why should we believe it now?

    I really hoped he had learned a lesson. He hasn’t.

    Would love to be proven wrong.

  14. D_Jones93

    I had a strong feeling the interview after his incident in the strip club was scripted and non sincere. Reminds me when I was a kid. Acting all apologetic and swearing up and down I’d never get in trouble again after the act of getting caught. Knowing damn well I’d probably do it again. But that’s the problem with Ja. He’s still a child in a grown man’s body. I will never understand his fascination with acting like a thug and affiliating with them. You’re in a position to influence others in a positive way, yet you choose this path? C’mon man. Wake up. Memphis doesn’t need this type of negativity anymore.

  15. Kalil4Real

    I’m with everyone else, I need to SEE it to believe it

  16. hbgwine

    This isn’t “his” statement. It’s a statement crafted by a PR firm with the goal of minimizing fallout with sponsors and the NBA. It is utterly meaningless in terms of measuring him as a person or forming any opinions about him.

  17. Easton1234

    He’s obviously a guy who likes to carry a gun…if that’s the case, just don’t flash it online.,,unfortunately, he seems like the type of moron that Carrie’s a gun TO flash it online and for no other reason..the guys an idiot..I love his game too which sucks

  18. Independent-Tea-3922

    He used chatGPT to write his statement

  19. roshanpr

    So they released this late at night so no people can see it

  20. sexlyfe_lol

    He needs to retire his “Ja” persona and become Temetrius Morant

  21. MonthLower1606

    this sounds like me when i told my parents i’ll get my grades up in high school

  22. TeriyakiDorayaki

    It’s what you have to say regardless of what your actual intentions are. You can’t gauge anything from a PR statement…

  23. B000urns

    so many comments and barely a flair to be seen

  24. BurnieTheBrony

    Words words words.

    What will you do after your suspension?

  25. vampyedgelorde

    I think he’s capable of turning it around and acting like a responsible, franchise player. We’ll see if he does, or if he’ll just go down as some Gibert Arenas type of wasted talent.

  26. snowman7775

    When did Ja started talking like some corporate white dude?

  27. OneLeggedJaguar

    Well he is right, his words mean jack shit right now.

  28. 420TURBOHOOKER69

    Don’t want to see him on the floor till the 24-25 season. Hope he loses all his game checks, loses all his sponsorships, and has real consequences to his stupidity. He can’t keep making empty promises then turning around and ignore everyone who gives him advice about where his life is headed.

    He needs to be away from the league, find who he really is. If that’s running in the streets and pounding handles of alcohol, then we’ll hear about him in the news again soon enough.

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