@Toronto Raptors

[Wolstat] This is now officially one of the dumbest seasons in Toronto Raptors history. Not Tampa dumb, but up there.

[Wolstat] This is now officially one of the dumbest seasons in Toronto Raptors history. Not Tampa dumb, but up there.

by Summertime06


  1. 22Skidoo11

    Was this guy banking on the 1% chance we got Wemby? How is he an actual reporter?

  2. All the Masai dick riders are going to cry, but this is bang on.

  3. henry_why416

    How was Tampa dumb? That wasn’t the teams fault we played there.

  4. EarlofSlammwich

    Toronto Raptors history? What a casual.

  5. EarthWarping

    It was the most confusing since Masai got to the Raptors tbh

  6. ImmaFunGuy

    I don’t understand. Did people really expect we were jumping into the top 4 with a 5% chance? We were slotted 13th with 95% chance 3 weeks ago

  7. Raptors887

    Everybody is pissed including the media guys. We need a really good off-season this summer. Lets turn it around! Come on!

  8. WillSmiff

    We traded Vince Carter in his prime for washed Alonzo Mourning who refused to leave his house, this eventually lead to us being shit for the next 8-9 years. This season was fine.

  9. myrapties

    He waited until now to criticize the FO?

  10. YesGuyIncognito

    What happened with this pick is forgivable but trading next year’s first is the absolute worst and most boneheaded part

  11. t_toda_DOTA

    Now it’s going to cost Siakam to get the pick, viola~

  12. DontToewsM3Bro

    History LMAO

    When did this dude start watching Raptors? When Masai got here?

    This season was not even close to the dumbest shit I have seen previous Raptors Teams do

  13. TayOs1998

    Tampa dumb was a situation outside of our control. This is worse. We had control of our future and threw it away just to embarrass ourselves and expose our mediocrity.

  14. crackhousebob

    The Rob Babcock years were most awful. Rafael Araujo was Raps 1st round pick after Vince was traded for peanuts. I remember being offered free tickets to a game and turning them down haha

  15. Accomplished-Pace213

    Tampa was a pretty successful season. We got Scottie from it.

  16. motherseffinjones

    Damn in history, trading Vince in his prime and left TMac wall had to have been worse and it’s not close

  17. jak_d_ripr

    This is definitely worse than Tampa, as bad as that season was, we got Scottie out of it. We have nothing to show for this frustrating season, didn’t make the play-in finals, lost in embarrassing fashion, got the second lowest pick in the lottery. Then on top of all of that, we’re going to lose some of our free agents for nothing, and now we can’t even tank next season because we traded away our pick.

    I’m struggling to think of a single thing the FO did right this season.

  18. jamiecballer

    Seems sort of unbecoming for someone who is supposed to be a credible journalist to say something this stupid. What happened tonight doesn’t change anything. The die was cast, decisions already made.

  19. livelaughloaft

    I’m eager to see how that Top 6 protected ’24 pick plays out.

    If the Raptors decide to blow it up this off-season things could get interesting again.

    Lets not forget the Leafs (un)official motto – “Theres always next year!” ^(copium lmfao kill me right now)

  20. OG_Wan_Annunoby

    Your dumb if you were waiting for a 4% lottery to play out to make that decisions tbh

  21. unclekarl_

    Jesus. We had a 1% chance at the top pick and people are really throwing tantrums that we didn’t win a top 3 pick?! Y’all some 🤡

  22. Seanbig888

    How was Tampa dumb ? It got us Scottie Barnes

    Wolstst is just ridiculously stupid why even bother reading a piece of SHIT

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