@Los Angeles Lakers

Almost did the impossible.. Gave it his all..23 points, 8 assists, 5/9 from 3. Give it up for AR man.

Almost did the impossible.. Gave it his all..23 points, 8 assists, 5/9 from 3. Give it up for AR man.

by DrSK_Phoenix


  1. myelrecsy

    And a Reaves Hater here says he is struggling, lmao!

    These reactionary fans are absurd, if HAM didn’t start the small ball line-up, Lakers might have won this game even with a coasting-feel game energy. On to the next game. Lakers will win Game 2.

  2. alisj99

    Great showing… Just a bad start to our game killed our chances… But really good fight

  3. ExpressWolverine9086

    Reaves should stay in the starting lineup, my only question is if dlo gets benched

  4. Comfortable-Meet-308

    AR hit two clutch 3s to cut it, the deficit to 3 but nobody boxed out Aaron Gordan and the momentum ended right there.

  5. LeBrons7thRing

    Reaves > DLo

    Number 1 priority in the off season

  6. Sayomom

    Bron didn’t let the man get his shine and had to tease the LeFuckYou3. Smh but honestly clutch shots reason he closes

  7. Working_Rent_9714

    His offense is great. But I’m worried about his defense. He’s been that way throughout the playoffs.

  8. Lovembee

    they need to retain him no matter what. #PAYTHEMAN

  9. Francoboi_10

    He didn’t play well. Untimely turnovers and defense. Scoring is easy everything else is hard.

  10. theseustheminotaur

    Him on kcp was much better too. Feel like he can guard Murray too.

  11. Lmnolmnop

    He was actually pretty bad the first 2.5 quarters,

    I wish they’d called on Rui more, or even Beasley for some of those struggling minutes.

    Playing 42 is rough as hell, too.

  12. BocchiLover

    He should have been the one to take that shot in that moment. You all know what I am referring to.

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