@Denver Nuggets

MPJ needs his props.

MPJ needs his props.

by trevstan1


  1. Cabbage-Fell

    He had some big plays last night glad to see him say he just wants to win I feel he gets shafted at times at the end of the third and 4th quarters we need his shooting this series

  2. NoiceForNoReason

    Hell yeah. He’s been awesome.

  3. droolingalarmist

    His shot selection could be better, but when you’re making them, you’re making them.

  4. Donnie1490

    Doesn’t need props, need more minutes and more looks…

  5. sorakaisthegoat

    Absolutely, I have the utmost respect for this guy. Came in with a decently big ego, matured so much that he’s telling Malone to play Brown over him if it wins the game. Battled with a lot of adversity as well and hasn’t fazed him a bit and most importantly he’s made insane strides defensively and has so far held his own against some of the greatest players this league has seen.

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