@Chicago Bulls

For all the fans who wonder why some of us still harp on Butler trade:

For all the fans who wonder why some of us still harp on Butler trade:

by OhiOstas


  1. Tom_Brady_Cheats

    Bulls traded Butler for Zach Lavine

  2. theclownwithafrown

    I’ll admit, I was on board with the trade when it first happened… But I was wrong. Very very very very wrong.

  3. breighvehart

    I’m less upset about trading Jimmy than what we did with all the assets we got for him. Of course I’d much rather have Himmy, but if we actually developed those draft picks, we’d at least have something to show for moving him.

  4. SmokimNoah

    I’ll die on the hill that if Lauri stayed here & we had LaVine, Lauri, PWill I’d be content with it. Plus not blowing all our assets on Vuc and Demar 😪

    Another completely overlooked factor is in 2019 we lost 60 games and missed out on all top 4 prospects. Zach/Lauri/Pat with Zion, Ja, Garland, or Barrett makes all that losing worth it

    Jimmy is in my top 5 players all time but the trade feels so terrible because everything after him has gone wrong

  5. What’s the point beyond being mad this incompetent org did something dumb? That’s what they do. At this point I’m just happy Jimmy is having success and showing the league the guy he’s always been. Sad it wasn’t with the bulls but I’ll still enjoy this Jimmy run especially if they knock off the fucking Celtics lol

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