@Houston Rockets

Every driving FG made by Jabari in his Rookie Season – 47/103 (45.6%).

Every driving FG made by Jabari in his Rookie Season – 47/103 (45.6%).

by twerdy


  1. Not bad for his first season when he came in as a prospect with “no driving game”.

  2. Few_Mulberry5372

    He improved his handle a lot. In a way I think the lack of structure where you had to go get it yourself if you wanted to score helped him

    Excited to see how he looks in year 2 under a real coach. He’s half a year younger than the Thompson twins and Brandon Miller for reference

  3. MoonRoverZero

    That’s pretty impressive for a rookie season! Hopefully he can continue to improve on his shooting percentage in the years to come.

  4. ST012Mi

    I know there’s a lot of talk about his slow start and underwhelming rookie season but how about that positively trending finish to the season and his age? So much to look forward to given HOW MUCH MORE he could improve and his mentality. He’s a no nonsense type that I think Udoka might like a lot personality-wise. We got a bunch of workhorses eager to prove ppl wrong after being bashed on for so long. When you endure something like that, you either persevere or fold. My money dollars to dimes is on persevering! 🤘

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