@Boston Celtics

[Weiss] Jaylen Brown taking a contested 3 with 11 seconds left is mind blowing. He is completely shook out there, Tatum keeps driving into triple teams, and the offense has no side-to-side movement. Nobody is screening for the ball and creating movement against the grain of the zone.

[Weiss] Jaylen Brown taking a contested 3 with 11 seconds left is mind blowing. He is completely shook out there, Tatum keeps driving into triple teams, and the offense has no side-to-side movement. Nobody is screening for the ball and creating movement against the grain of the zone.

by AbshirThePoet


  1. AbshirThePoet

    I love JB. I been rocking his flair all season. But the guy has to be the lowest IQ all star in the league

  2. Immediate-Border4354

    He has been generationally bad this series

  3. HighlandHilltopper

    This is the worst I’ve ever seen him play. He cant catch, he is falling over on no calls and losing the ball. He can’t shoot. He can’t defend. Even when he hustles he can’t finish. We cannot win with him like this

  4. _meat_rocket_

    Jaylen needs to ride the bench the rest of this game

  5. Chubbmiller18

    The lack of defense is killing us. Arms up three feet away, meanwhile heat all up our asses

  6. Buggplut

    I’ve always been an advocate for build the most talented roster and the fit will figure itself out, but it’s clear at this point Jaylen Brown is not a championship piece. He’s a good player who thinks he’s a star. He refuses to play his role and he loses focus constantly on defense.

  7. Plastic_Database_645

    There should be clause on his “supermax” contract that if he commits 4+ turnovers a game he won’t get paid for that game lmao.

    Brown’s BBIQ is as small as pea pod


    If we give him a supermax our window is closed for good

  9. Bob_Hope

    That’s what happens when you build a team around two players who only practice their 1v1 skills. Not like it’s a bad outcome for them – they get their supermaxes. In the most important way they’ve already won.

  10. bilboafromboston

    Coaching or not, our players are just Stupid and have no cajones.
    If you are Triple covered, you have TWO teammates wide open!
    The Jays are so effin bad at dribbling. They suck at it. Suck. They get fouled, but get no calls because they lose the ball all the time WITHOUT being fouled

  11. WinterEngineering322

    They’re both selfish. JB is looking for his own shot 90% of the time unless he is absolutely crowded. Tatum thinks he can dribble through an entire defense. His mental weakness is once again being exposed.

  12. jelee524

    players not being held accountable for bad basketball decisions — just poor coaching

  13. Admirable-Squash9607

    Translation: this team is ass. Time to break it up. Keep Tatum, everyone else is expendable.

  14. CrispBenWa

    Jaylen has been bad this series for sure. I don’t think his BBIQ is as bad as people claim it is as long as he’s playing well.

    I will say that when things are not going well for Jaylen he very easily forgets everything he’s gotten better on over the years and presses so hard.

    But the same people calling Jaylen mush and wanting him gone are probably the same people praising JB for carrying JTs water all series against the Warriors last year. Despite some bad turnovers, he was the only one fighting that series. He’s still an important part of this team going forward.

  15. Replace Jaylen with Butler and we win the title easily back to back.

  16. TWAndrewz

    It’s almost like they need a coach who’s good at his job.

  17. AccomplishedDisk5546

    But it’s mazzulas fault we lost all fundamentals and our starting 5 are mental midgets. We need a coach who can remind a max contract player to learn how to dribble and not turn it over in back to back possessions.

    Fuck Ime for not keeping his dick in his pants in the first fucking year here

  18. Ok_Seaweed_9452

    This is Mazulla offense scheme lol why is everyone surprised (the players are bad too btw)

  19. ItsPickleTime

    Lmaooo can’t pretend to be an intellectual if your basketball IQ is this low. If he publishes a peer-reviewed and published scholarly article this offseason I’ll rescind my statement but I doubt that’s coming. Maybe still more likely than an 18th banner though

  20. Tone_Deaf55

    Mailed it in. Miami wins game 4 in a blowout.

  21. hebr1035

    These guys aren’t transcendent stars. Guys like Lebron, bird, magic, Jordan can make any coach look good. Tatum and brown are all stars but not transcendent, you need a coach that can get them to play the right way

  22. Coolguy55220S

    Dame needs a partner, id take the 3rd pick + picks and ship him out and try to develop another wing like brandon Miller. I don’t think we lose much losing JB, brogdon can slot right into his spot.

  23. hbsboak

    I haven’t been following Celtics ball, is Jaylen Brown your Jordan Poole?

  24. CombinationBoring220

    I don’t think we should trade JB him and Tatum are still just entering their prime. However everyone else on the team should be an option and JB and Tatum would be amazing if they had someone like Rubio, Garland, Haliburton….etc someone who can’t just make a good pass but can run the offense. Like a slightly less old CP3. There aren’t many of those types of point guards left. Oh and a coach

  25. Human-Helicopter-684

    Mazulla has no plays or plan of attack

  26. WoodsmallConnor

    Jaylen and three firsts for Wemby. Who says no?

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