@Los Angeles Lakers

[Starkand] Austin Reaves reiterated that he wants to stay with the Lakers. “It feels like home to me in a sense… The way the fans support me, teammates, coaching staff, front office, this is definitely where I want to be. But we’ll see what happens.”

[Starkand] Austin Reaves reiterated that he wants to stay with the Lakers. “It feels like home to me in a sense… The way the fans support me, teammates, coaching staff, front office, this is definitely where I want to be. But we’ll see what happens.”

by ParisLake2


  1. ParisLake2

    We must match whatever offer he gets in free agency. We cannot let him walk.

  2. srkfan123

    “We’ll see what happens” aka if he gets offered 100 mill somehow, he may think jeanie won’t match it

  3. Juaniscool-8

    We let him walk and you can call me a Clippers fan. As much as it hurts to say.

  4. John_Winchester

    If we let him walk I’ll have a very hard time being optimistic about anything laker related.

  5. shiina613

    This is like the Malik situation now… we gotta offer him the money or else we’ll lose him to another team for sure

  6. Final-Actuary4474

    If we can trade Reaves for a superstar he gone.

  7. smithy816aidan

    I would say Pelinka learned not to let guys of his caliber go after losing Caruso. But i’m never sure with Rob. I think the 3 players that should be immovable are Ad, Bron and Reaves. Reaves proved he is an elite level playmaker when needed.

  8. bruinboy224

    I 100% agree, keeping Austin is and should be our number one priority especially after this series. He was the best/consistent player on our squad– is it possible tho that we can see a similar Jordan Poole situation with Austin? I believe in Reaves but is one season worth enough for Austin to prove he’s worth big bucks?

  9. TVloverCam

    Give him a billion dollars. I don’t care. I love this man!!
    Had a fantastic performance in the WCF!

  10. First playoff run and unlike DLo they couldn’t keep him off the court. Dude is him.

  11. JRA1706

    Highkey kinda scared that a team will spite us by offering him the max and we’ll be forced to match.

  12. eateralum

    Does Austin have to listen to other team offers? Does he have to take the highest contract?

    Not saying to low ball him, but if Lakers are offering $60m/4 yrs, and another team offers $80m/4yrs, do Lakers need to match the $80m?

  13. moaterboater69

    As someone who follows soccer heavily as well, its disheartening to see a player like Reaves with a very real possibility of leaving. In soccer he wouldve been tied down on a multi year contract with an exorbitant buy out clause.

  14. greyk34

    We will match whatever offer comes through, I’m really confident in that. Not many other teams have max cap space to make some insane offer. Pay him whatever it takes, he will be our starting PG/SG for the next 5-7 years.

  15. katsucurry_88

    That’s what Caruso said 2 years ago. Jeanie better pay up this time

  16. Nijee302

    We have to keep him & Rui for us to have chances next season

  17. JamsHDs

    We will see when he see $$$$$$$$ this offseason.

  18. TheManTheyCallHungo

    Please keep him. Dude has so much heart and grit for this game. He’s like Curry, in the sense that he still gonna grow to full potential. Is he at currys level? No, but give him the tools and he might be better.


    i pray to god we dont choose fucking d’angelo over reaves or rui

  20. Js_On_My_Yeet

    If he walks I’m not going to watch Lakers basketball when Lebron retires

  21. TheAngels323

    Definitely hope the Lakers can keep him and give him a nice contract

  22. Aur0ra12



  23. Kobe_curry24

    He might get a max deal lmaooo prey no body does it tho

  24. Kobe_curry24

    We need to offer mavericks something solid for Kyrie man it’s the only way clearly this roster is not enough Bron has to score 40 in elimination game just to keep it close

  25. I will disown the Lakers if they let him go. The kid is special. More than any lottery pick we’ve had in the past decade.

  26. Psychart5150

    If you could sign Kyrie for the same amount as you are going to sign Reaves, would you still want Reaves signed?

    I really like Reaves. He is scrappy, young, hits his 3s, and is good with the ball in his hand.

    I want to be realistic about what he is though. Do we think we can count on him to be a consistent 20-8 type of guy? IF he is that, would that be enough for us to get over the hump next year.

    Since leaving LBJ, Kyrie’s rep has been going down. His value is as low as it can be. We have seen his ceiling, he is one of the best ball-handling guards there is. I think we can get him on a 1-2 year prove it type deal where he isn’t getting a max, but can be offered a max after that.

    It will win-win situation because if he balls out, and wants a super max, we would have the option of keeping him or doing a sign-and-trade and getting assets in return. LeBron is going on his 21st year, we need consistent offensive help.

  27. Halfie951

    That’s what Ariza said but LA was literally his home and before you knew it Metta Worldpeace was on the Lakers and Trevor was odd man out. Never expect a player is coming back until he is signed and a press conference is scheduled

  28. Some_State1652

    If we lose Reaves, idk what to think about this FO anymore. This guy was undrafted and played WAY above this pay this year. He hustles hard, passes well, shoots well, is efficient, is willing to learn from players like Bron, was a diehard Lakers fan growing up, etc. Pay this man enough to keep him please.

  29. Pretty easy…FO just needs to leak that they’ll match any offer..would eliminate offer sheet situation essentially. If a team decides to spite the lakers (which they won’t) the lakers can just take the full week to match the offer and screw over the other franchise doing it by not allowing them to utilize that money on free agents in the mean time. If Jeanie absolutely doesn’t want to match, we could trade Austin once he gets the offer for draft capital or other positions we need help with (the 5 and the 3)

  30. TheZardooHasselfrau

    As Teddy KGB would say, “Pay that man his money.”

  31. JaxonStormBorn

    This is the type of player you have to keep

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