@Houston Rockets

Thoughts on this statement?

I remember being very suprised when Bron chose Lakers over us. I think we def would’ve won atleast 1 chip with this squad.

by Weezy_is_the_goat


  1. spikespiegel33

    I remember there was reports of Brown being at Kinkaid and people went there to look lol. I mean I think these 3 win at least two chips together

  2. pham_nguyen

    I’m not sure how we could have combined Lebron, CP3, and Harden and maintained any level of supporting players.

  3. A terrible trio. Only one basketball folks.

  4. JengaKing12

    He wanted Space Jam to happen or something off court business related out of going to the Lakers

  5. FastGoon

    NBA had to have him go to the Lakers, they aren’t allowed to be irrelevant
    /s (but really though?

  6. ChuckHealy

    Pretty sure I remember Paul George being in these talks too. Could’ve been James-Harden-Paul-George lineup

  7. WuziMuzik

    The rockets just needed anyone who could score to relieve harden and Tucker for like five or ten minutes. KD is the one who really made the mistake going to gsw. If he would have gone to that rockets team they would have won championships. And he would have gotten most of the credit by the media. In that first run specifically anyone would have helped.

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