@National Basketball Association

Charles Barkley on the media: “I was so mad this morning I actually turned the TV off. Because the Denver Nuggets sweep, get to the finals for the first time… We all love LeBron, he didn’t say he was retired yet… it should’ve been all about the Denver Nuggets.”

Charles Barkley on the media: “I was so mad this morning I actually turned the TV off. Because the Denver Nuggets sweep, get to the finals for the first time… We all love LeBron, he didn’t say he was retired yet… it should’ve been all about the Denver Nuggets.”

by theripeorange


  1. jpaxlux

    The media has done their best for years to make *everything* about LeBron, even if he has barely anything to do with it lmao

    Bleacher Report really tried to make Carmelo’s retirement about LeBron yesterday. Also LeBron isn’t retiring, but that won’t stop the media from talking about it every day for the next 4 months.

  2. the funny thing is that everyone knows that he won’t retire, lol

  3. moonshadow50

    Ironic that two of the first comments complaining about Lebron are from users with Lakers and Celtics flair – the two teams who definitely get well more than their fair share of media attention compared to everyone else, no matter what their record or level of success at the time.

  4. aaden08

    Just like no one expected Aaron Rodgers to retire, its even less likely LeBron does. He is just trying to leverage the Lakers.

  5. Parenegade

    Lebron knows what he’s doing. Instead of “Lebron swept” the story was “Lebron might retire?!”

  6. Lebron equals advertising money and the bottom line, at the end of the day nba is about money like any other company … lebron has made billions for em and sadly thats all that matter

  7. Curious_North_8479

    Chuck and hating the Lakers, name a better duo

  8. Hungry-Act8691

    Yup no one spoke about his BIG second half 9 points.

  9. YanksCelticsGiants

    This is why Chuck is the best, calling out all those clowns on ESPN

  10. rsayegh7

    LeBron threads always full of nuggets and warrior flairs being salty. The Celtics, Pacers and Raptors don’t even have this much resentment towards him and he held them down for a decade plus 😭😭

  11. opkpopfanboyv3

    Its as if Lebron is the oxygen media needs to breathe. These fuckers abt to die if he retires

  12. MarkusHowardStan

    “He’s all over the place” lol

  13. ConceptNo1055

    Jabba the Windhorst does this in his podcast

  14. Molly trying to say they do the same for the NFL was hilarious

  15. Instant-Bacon

    Can I just hijack this Lebron-thread for a moment and congratulate the Denver Nuggets on their first ever Finals appearance?

  16. ChocolateMorsels

    And then Shaq correctly said it was because the Lakers are a storied franchise and the Nuggets are so far a small town nobody team. You have to win rings to get media respect.

    This is such basic, easy to understand stuff guys. It’s like you all haven’t watched sports at all. I’m a Titans fan and when we knocked out the Ravens (Lamar MVP season, already crowned super bowl champ) and Patriots (former champs, Brady’s last year in NE) in the 2019 playoffs guess what everyone in the media talked about lol. And it didn’t bother us.

  17. subpulse44

    If they win the title, they’ll be talked about. No need to keep begging for attention.

  18. nysraved

    My favorite flavor of Laker content from the media is when the media complains about there being too much Laker content. So meta!

  19. Snoo87653

    Skip Bayless sent about 30 tweets during the game and not one of them was framed for Jokic. It’s toxic journalism.

  20. seddard

    If anyone actually listened the entire press conference, he praised Nuggets and Jokic for the majority of it. He literally tipped his hat to Jokic and called them the best team he ever faced in LA. Then he praised Carmelo. That remark was like one sentence after a question in the end.

  21. anomynouos

    Ernie looking tired at all of Chuck’s digressions. He like get to the point maaaaan.

  22. Gloomy-Confection-49

    Lebron has always been a diva. Never forget he had to be interviewed just to tell everybody that he was taking his talents to Miami.

  23. kaceytronwhiteknight

    It really is pathetic how much the media protects and shields Lebron and the Lakers. The way people talked about the Lakers post ASB through the 2nd round of the playoffs you’d think they were the best team in basketball, instead of the truth that they got lucky as hell to draw the Grizzlies dysfunctional asses and then the Warriors dysfunctional asses.

    Then in the WCF the refs did everything in their power to help the Lakers, putting ridiculous fouls on Jokic and Murray to have them in foul trouble in the 4th of every single game, and it still wasn’t enough to keep the Lakers from being swept. And of course on top of that the Timberwolves took a game off these Nuggets and the Suns took 2, yet the Lakers have escaped any criticism for being swept.

  24. Hydrauxine

    he didn’t say anything about retiring in the presser, most of the 10 minutes was praising jokic. y’all are insane thinking lebron be manipulating the fucking media instead of just stating the truth that ESPN is just straight up lazy.

  25. MiopTop

    Bro Charles spent the first 4 months of the season not wanting to shut up about how bad the Lakers were. Can’t have it both ways.

  26. ShetheKing

    Personally I’m still bitter we got stuck with ESPN instead of the TNT crew for the WCF

  27. RatLord445

    Whatever, fuck the media and fuck lebron and the lakers we’re going for the ring

  28. ivspodcast

    Bron loves attention and making everything about him. He was the most active I’ve seen him in a while on Twitter last postseason to remind us he still existed

  29. Felt like 75% of the story post sweep was Lakers focused.

  30. craptasticman

    From the comments here, seems like nobody watched the actual press conference lmao

  31. DemarcusMiller

    lol I thought this would be a thread about chucks comments on the nuggets but even everyone in here is just talking about lebron. Ah well what can youndo

  32. Coopervezey

    When Bron retires the national media is going to crash so hard. They’ve spent all this time milking his name dry instead of setting themselves up for the future by propping up the next generation of players and hopefully creating another super popular star

  33. RainbowKittenz

    I’m still trying to figure out what LeBron haters in this thread are suggesting he did exactly.

  34. Boonicious

    lol I did the same thing watching the broadcast, the Nuggets win and every camera is on LeBron watching him walk off the floor instead of focusing on the Nuggets and their historic win

  35. citoloco

    Talkin’ ’bout LeBron “China Bitch” “Cop Killer” “It’s Quittin’ Time” “Fire Daryl Morey/Michelle Beadle” James?

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