@Philadelphia 76ers

Trust the Process (of Elimination)

AKA: Congrats, Sixers! (2023)

You are a really special team, Philly. For all the wrong reasons. Why do you torture your fans like this? Is it for your sick kicks? Is it for pride? Something else? Why not tell us and let it out into the open?


  1. Not sure if you've done a video yet but can you do a video of Doc Rivers and every series lead he's blown?

  2. Meanwhile, my Spurs just got the number 1 pick in this year's draft where they can pick a potential generational talent in Victor Wembanyama, and they didn't really needed to even dismantle everything, keeping that weird Doug McDermott contract and still having the biggest cap space in the league

  3. I think the Sixers paid $100 million for Al Horford a few years ago.
    Oh yeah in the Sixers drafted traded up in the draft to get markelle fultz when they could have gotten Jayson Tatum

  4. I called this when Philly got that BS win against Milwaukee in Milwaukee Back in March I believe and Sixer Fans tried Dunking on Giannis.

    Don't get me wrong, Milwaukee Choked EPICALLY this year (All Credit to Miami)… but at least they got a Ring in the last 2 seasons!


  5. Putting up a more embarrassing loss than the Bucks getting blown out by a 1-seed is a hell of an accomplishment in its own right. Congrats, Sixers. You folded with a focus and intensity normally seen only in successes.

  6. As a Sixers fan… a lot of moves that look like huge misses in hindsight but were much more reasonable at the time did us in.

    Only two moves come to mind that were truly bad moves from day one. The first goes back all the way to the end of The Process, where the careful process of building the team was abruptly hijacked in a hostile takeover by the commissioner and the Colangelos. The front office from then on went into WIN NOW mode, and built a mansion of shit on top of the solid foundation Hinkie had placed.

    Simmons and Fultz were obvious #1 pick choices over Brown and Tatum, and NEVER let anyone tell you that wasn't the truth then. Keeping Simmons over Butler made sense because there was no indication that Ben would fully melt down the way he did when being asked to simply develop his game, and was the younger talented controlled player to build around with Embiid. Maybe Sam Hinkie would have the Howie Roseman-like pre-cognizance to see those issues coming, but certainly not Bryan Colangelo and Elton Brand.

    The second is the hiring of Doc Rivers. Brett Brown wasn't getting the team over the hump, but Rivers is the EPITOME of "won't get you over the hump." His playoff record made that obvious, and three straight playoff duds only proved how useless that hiring was.

    Now… where does Philly go from here? Harden is a conundrum because he's going to cost more than he's worth, but moving on from him is a certain talent downgrade. What coach comes in to try to pull this team together and get them out of their own way when things go wrong? Monty knows the system, but has his own choking issues. Cassel is my favorite, but does he stay or want to move on? Will Morey go full crackhead and bring MDA in? It feels like this team shouldn't be nuked just yet, but if this next move doesn't pay off then the nuclear option is the only option after that.

  7. From this now the Coyotes are likely relocating after the Tempe Arena proposal failed
    Houston Coyotes
    Salt Lake Coyotes
    Sacramento Coyotes
    Kansas City Coyotes
    Altanta Coyotes
    Milwaukee Coyotes
    Portland Coyotes

  8. Embiid is either hurt or just doesn't show up in the playoffs when it matters. 18 points in a game 7 to prove you're finally for real? Give me a break.
    And well we all expect Harden to no show big games at this point, it's just who he is. Can you get valyue for him in a trade at this point? Contednders should know what he is by now and not sell the farm to get his contract, and teams trying to build should just keep their current assets.

  9. Requesting a legacy of failure vid for Doc Rivers please. 2008 was a case of Fraud

    This is one of the rare cases where I hear people asking if a player, WHO WAS JUST VOTED LEAGUE MVP, is holding the team back…

  10. I'm a Lakers fan, and the Lakers did processing so much better. They actually got a title! Lakers also are in the WCF now. I'd much rather have the path of the Lakers. I like the Sixers since I love Philly. But I'm a Lakers fan all the way.

  11. The Sixers and The Leafs. The two most overhyped organizations that continue to choke. Always great to see.

  12. Well… if there is one good outcome is that I wanna listen to the Sonic 3 and Knuckles sound track again lol

  13. Considering how the Miami Heat are beating up the Celtics in the Conference Finals this looks even worse for the Sixers. You guys couldn't close out on that team?

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