@Chicago Bulls

Scottie Pippen Says Michael Jordan Was a “Horrible Player” Before He Joined Bulls | THE ODD COUPLE

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Ephraim Salaam (in for Rob Parker) react to Scottie Pippen’s interesting comments regarding Michael Jordan and the type of player he was before Pippen joined the Chicago Bulls.

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  1. Scottie Pippen NEEDS TO STOP! Pippen you're better than this. Real Basketball and NBA Fans know that You were maybe tied for the best all around game in NBA History and tied for the Best Floor game ever. It's james who is a horrible player and takes bad shots and has no clue how to play "good" complete game. Jordan and Pippen are the two best All Around players ever. It's not even a debate. Prime Pippen was a guy that could take any roster in any era to 60 wins and atleast the Finals but It was Jordan that got the points in the forth.

  2. Are we forgetting Scottie getting punked by the knicks and hunted by the pistons cuz he was the weakest link. Mike got that fool tough, mike took it on his back to step up for Scottie. And how Scottie do in Portland? They still hate him in Portland.

  3. Jordans son is banging his ex wife, his kids play with Jordan’s son, pippen is emotional

  4. To be fair Jordan didn’t win anything until Pippen got there and rounded out his game…now he’s really hating but he does and should get just as much credit as Jordan they were a package deal that won Jordan didn’t win by himself and neither did Pippen and this is coming from a Pistons fan, Scottie deserves his flowers, Scottie Pippen birthed the 3 & D Wing position that is so coveted today💯

  5. Jordan best all around game ever, best floor game ever and complete game ever Also the best Scorer ever.
    Pippen best all around game ever, best floor game ever and complete game ever.

  6. Pippen is underated as a player majorly. He's just not articulating that well at all. Real Basketball fans know that Pippen is as good as Magic Johnson from 91-97.

  7. Where do these fools purchase their HATERADE I haven't seen on the shelves in any corner store or neighborhood grocery store but they seem to have an abundance of it, Scottie over the past few years since the Last Dance has drowned himself in that disgusting choice of beverage!!! "HATERADE the #1 drink of those who's shade of green can't mess with the bottom line. TRUTH!!!

  8. Scottie needs help ok. This is no joke, he must be battling mental illness. I hope someone in his family or his friends reach out to him.

  9. As someone who grew up in Chicago watching the Bulls: I’ve been saying this since the 90s…Scottie has ALWAYS been SALTY being in MJ’s shadow. Add that to MJ’s son Marcus banging Scottie’s ex-wife Larsa and this is what happens bc Scottie is still salty. “Horrible PLAYER?” MJ’s rookie season was better the Kobe’s MVP season!!! GTFO Scottie

  10. Jordan was a horrible player…. His teams were barely.500 and barely made the playoffs…. He made it look good but they weren’t winning…. Bird called him GOD…. But swept him the same series 😂😂😂😂

  11. I would take Pippen over Drexler. Drexler is a better scorer but Pippen is a better passer and Defender. Also maybe a little better floor game. Also Pippen was one of the best Shot blockers ever and offensive Rebounders and Tip Jammers ever.

  12. To me this isn’t funny if MJ wasn’t who he is he would to hire security for not only him but everyone in his family. Scottie perceives he has lost everything to MJ including now his ex is screwing MJ’s son. This is a call for help and it’s sad because he’s just not MJ and it’s sad to see him mentally go down and he needs help. I’m praying him that he doesn’t do anything crazy.

  13. We all know this is cap, but no one should feel sorry for MJ tbh. That last dance documentary flagrantly downgraded basically every player that was NOT MJ, so any pushback from any one of those guys is fair game

  14. Pippen was Always jealous of MJ lowkey….MJ really didn't even have to ever give Scottie credit….but he did! Now he's even more hateful because MJ's son has been dunking on Scottie's ex!


  16. Scottie is a play maker, a point forward, at the same time can dish out points when needed and a powerhouse defensive beast.
    It's a team game not a 1on5 scoring tally.
    Pip played with the goat and it overshadowed pip but still was recognize despite it. But we all know how great he was.
    Had he benn given a chance and he had but for a season only, if he was given 2-3 he would have won a championship or 2-3. Then hed be on the conversation of top 10.


  18. There has never been a goat debate, LeBron is not even better than Kareem. The dude loses nonstop, and loses to literally everybody in his generation lol.

  19. Dr. Conrad Murray needs to check Scottie for CTE. I think them bad boys (Mahorn/Laimbeer) touched him up a little harder than we first thought. That wasn't a migraine – he was concussed. Jordan a horrible player before he got there? While Pippen's main duty as an equipment mgr./player as a Freshman at some little unknown Univ. in Arkansas was to keep gym tidy, Jordan was poppin' off in arenas like Gilbert with a gat size of the ones in Men In Black.
    During MJ's rookie season, again without Pippen, after the very FIRST time he faced Bird, Larry told a Boston Globe reporter "that guy is going to be the greatest ever – you just watch." In Mike's second season during 1986 playoffs, while Pip was still bangin' old looking NCAA cheerleaders, Jordan blew up for 63 pts at the rat infested Boston Garden against a top 5 team all-time and one of the greatest defensive teams all-time with the greatest front-court (Bird, McHale, Parish) ever assembled. Danny Ainge on a recent podcast said "Even though our stacked team beat the Bulls we all knew Jordan was the best player on the floor." And with a prime Bird. Speaking of Larry, after this series is when he said "That was God disguised as Jordan."
    If anyone was horrible it was Scottie. As a rookie He couldn't even beat out a cadaver (Sellers) for starting small-forward position. And when Oakley was slapping him around while he was only averaging 7 ppg, MJ was winning league MVP and DPOY.
    I hope Pippen never reads Larry's book Bird Watching or he's gonna despise Mike even more cause Larry said "It was MJ that made Pippen a great player. Scottie played at his best alongside Jordan but that didn't work vice versa because Pip without MJ wouldn't have been that lethal."
    Pippen needs to clock the time like Morris Day with Flavor Flav's neck piece instead of envy. Leave the jealousy to envious chickenheads in sororities. Does he not remember it was Mike who literally took him under his Air Jordan wings and molded him to be Wonder Boy to his Batman? And I thought Trump was delusional while on Covid meds.

  20. Scottie becoming pathetic, salty and annoying! I feel bad for him. 😢

  21. Scottie is screaming for help. Hope he gets therapy and gets a chance to redeem himself. Peace.

  22. OMG!! The only reason I watched is to gear Chris say, "Scottie Pippen, is trippin." HE DIDN'T SAY IT!!! i'm gonna have nightmares now.

  23. Chris Broussard you are killin it today, thanks for putting the young guy in his place 😊

  24. If we can say that lebron wasnt able to get anything done until he went to the heat, why cant we admit that jordan couldn’t get anything done until scottie showed up? Basketball is such a strange sport to discuss i swear because the fans are so unreasonable.

  25. Chris is Mike obsessed. Chris forgets Orlando Woolridge was a dynamic wing also and they won NOTHING!!

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