@Golden State Warriors

Whatever Bob decides I respect ๐Ÿ’™

Whatever Bob decides I respect ๐Ÿ’™

by roscochicken90


  1. indreams159

    he knows the team needs to get rid of Klay and Draymond but doesn’t want to be the one to have to do it

  2. youriko31

    Bob is a Warriors legend. No matter what happens, he’ll still be loved. He’s not perfect, but he’s a part of why this dynasty happened in the first place.

  3. BeetLover1111

    Some of the hot takes here are wild

  4. omgwtfhax2

    Love the dude for what he’s done but at the same time I can’t wait for the narrative to flip when he joins a rival FO within 6 months. Ya’ll going to have the same tune when he joins the Lakers or Clippers?

  5. rajeev0718

    I don’t drink. But the day steph retires, and the day the last of the big three retire I’m going to down a bottle of whiskey.

  6. Jvlockhart

    It was never a big 3.

    It was the mythical 5;
    Steve, Bob, Steph, Klay & Dray

  7. HalfEatenBanana

    Wonder if he gets his name up in the rafters. Dubs wouldnโ€™t be here without him

  8. Nightmannn

    I’ll always appreciate Bob and I can respect wanting to spend time with his family bc lord knows he’s lost that time these past several years.

    But if he just goes to another team, I won’t respect it.

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