@Toronto Raptors

It was at this moment he knew, he f*cked up

It was at this moment he knew, he f*cked up

by UjiriWatcher


  1. crumpledbrouhaha

    I need that reporter here in Toronto

  2. Cheechers23

    I’m so confused why Raptors fans, especially on Twitter, are going nuts over this clip. It’s a dumbass question from the reporter but Raps fans are so desperate to dunk on Nick that they’re clowning him for this.

    “Do you want the all star guard back that this team has no means of replacing if he walks” like what kind of dumbass question is this.

    Like I get that the reporter challenged Nick by saying it didn’t answer his question but it’s also an extremely stupid question lmao

  3. So the reverse Dougy treatment is it. We could use some of that

  4. N7Brendan

    The Philly ownership doesn’t also own the media there so he’s gonna get more difficult questions than Grange and Lew throwing him softballs.

  5. h3yn0w75

    I don’t get it. Softball question , easy to answer. What’s he going to say, no ?

  6. jeffcrafff

    Nick looks refreshed. Miss him already tbh, bring on the downvotes

  7. nin_culus

    bro thought he escaped doug smith to be met with 100 doug smith variants in philly.

  8. cbotter

    Good luck blud. Choose your words carefully

  9. RoysRBoy

    Just say yes i want him back. Its not hard

  10. danger_zones

    His first press conference as the Sixers head coach and they’re already asking him if James Harden can be the point guard on a championship team 🤣

  11. Chris_TO79

    This is nothing but i’ll say this, the Philly press corps are a lot more aggressive especially if things don’t go off as well as they expect. The Toronto media is a lot more respectful but there are a couple that do hold people accountable (Doug Smith for sure) but now Nurse has to deal with an entire press corps that are Smith x10.

  12. kpeds45

    Never had to deal with what? Those weren’t tough questions. Christ people act like Philly is some otherworld where ‘people tell it to you like it is!’.

  13. aa13cool

    Despite the complex exit for Nick I will still root for him moving forward just not against us

  14. godofhammers3000

    Just a dumb question from a reporter trying to get a gotcha moment lol

  15. needaburnerbaby

    Yah dude never ever expected a tough question in a press conference. How ever will he manage to make it through the night even? Should just quit now….

  16. coachslaymaker

    Asks a dumbass question gets a standard answer. Presses for more information. Gets a long winded version of the same answer. What a waste of time

  17. TheMikeSweeney306

    Ah, the land of real sports media

  18. Wooshio

    Nurse is the best coach Raptors ever had, going to miss him. And you can tell he is excited for the challenge with Philadelphia, I don’t think he feels like he fucked up at all. Not everyone just wants to coast.

  19. Well unlike here where the media is just a mouth for the front office it’s refreshing that the media can just grill a head coach immediately.

  20. McJoe77

    I honestly think he answered that very rude question perfectly. I don’t know what we’re talking about here.

  21. PhileinS

    lmao. poor guy hes gonna feel bad for antagonizing Toronto media

  22. Thealk3mist

    A media member asked Nurse about how he would criticize Raptors players to the media instead of talking to them. Lmao, that didn’t happen ever while he was here.

  23. Phoeniyx

    That reporter guy should be asking questions to Trudeau or at the white house.

  24. ImmaFunGuy

    We need this in Toronto. Kudos to Philly media tbh I’d rather hear the FO say “that was a mistake, it wasn’t our intent. This is what we are trying to do” than the “believe in your team” bs

  25. golden_rhino

    Is there a team in the league that wouldn’t prefer to have Harden on their roster?

  26. thenewoldschool55

    Toronto media is full of reporters that are friends with the staff and team. Nobody asks hard questions.

  27. thenewoldschool55

    I just wish our media didn’t beat around the bush and asked him straight up “Why don’t you play the beach?” I’d like to hear it from his words.

    Instead our best reporters would beat around the bush asking “do you think starters minutes are too heavy?”

  28. Barnicus53

    It was at this moment that he was cut-off by a jerk who asked a question that was never going to get a yes or no answer.

  29. N0minal

    Coached the raptors to their worse season in 10 years and never got tough questions all year. It’s amazing to see real sports journos ask interesting questions.

    I mean honestly. This was from late in the season when things looked terrible in a loss to the damn pacers

  30. Fit-Introduction8575

    Bruh he didn’t have to deal with James Harden.


    Edit: when Nurse was the HC of the Rocket’s G-league team when Harden turned into a superstar in Houston his first season. That’s a mindblowing journey, a coaches dream to have Harden back then.

  31. I’m pretty sure Nick wants Philly to sign Fred.

  32. Barnicus53

    I can’t wrap my head around how miserable a portion of this fanbase is that they reach for anything in the hopes that guys like Nurse and Kawhi aren’t happy in the places where they ended up outside of Toronto.

  33. Beediddy09

    I saw a meme when he first got hired and it was like ‘JE knees after NN plays him for 44 min a night’ and it was a turkey leg with the meat falling off the bone.

    I laugh just thinking about it.

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