@Dallas Mavericks


Stumbled upon this article today. Curious on what everyone would think about this.

by kickace12


  1. SadatayAllDamnDay

    It’s not the worst idea, but I would prefer not to have to root for Kuzma.

  2. highfalutinman

    To be fair, for all the flak he gets, Kuzma’s not a bum. And his contract is surprisingly palatable for someone of his scoring prowess. But he does nothing to help this team’s defense. And he’s a guy who seems to think he should be *the guy*, so making him a clear third option might not go over so well.

    I’d rather have the 10th pick than a year’s rental of someone who won’t shore up this team’s weaknesses. (he has a player option for 13m after this coming season)

  3. redditaccount-5

    Lol we were stupid enough to take Bertans from them, why would they take him back

  4. Mecha-Jesus

    Wizards immediately hang up and block the caller.

  5. Active_Page_3886

    Not bad, not great. I would hope that any deal involving the 10th pick would either be for a big man or a trade down to acquire another asset, but Kuzma isn’t a bad player. Would be a slam dunk deal if it included Gafford or a couple SRPs

  6. mr__fredman

    I think Kuzma is going to want to sign for more than Bertans salary……

  7. Moe4ver

    I will need a pick back, at least second. Still not sure how I feel about Kuzma though.

  8. Dragonn007

    We can literally trade the 10th pick for someone better than him

  9. TheChosenOne311

    Absolutely not. Kuz would not fit with Luka at all. He has been a total ballhog in DC.

    If we’re trading 10 and not getting any picks back in return, the player we acquire needs to be better than Kuz.

  10. RyceMenace

    Give us Gafford and Im all in BABY. 😈😈😈

  11. archerarcher0

    If we are using the 10th pick for drafting/trading for anything other than a defensive player then we don’t want to win

    They can be good at offense too but defense first

  12. Greatspirrit0

    Washington has clearly committed to Kuzma on the team and they shipped out Hachimura signaling that they planned on resigning him to a long extension. They’re not trading Kuzma.

  13. amino110

    Trading your lottery pick for a free agent is stupid imo. Especially for Kuzma .

  14. SongYoungbae

    As a Wizards fan, We don’t fucking want Bertans back.

  15. Dundalis

    How does this trade help the defense? Why do we keep proposing trades for offensive guys with no defensive value? Does anyone actually know what this team’s strength and weaknesses are??

  16. Opposite-Journalist6

    Not realistic but I’d do it

  17. ForestJordie

    If we can sign Kuzma to a long term deal this isn’t bad. He’s a very good third option. Maybe get Gafford also and a pick (we’d have to adjust our offer.)

    Luka, Ky, Green, Kuz, Gafford is solid.

    Then Hardy, Bullock, Maxi and some others as a bench isn’t bad

  18. This isn’t even feasible. Kuzma has a player option that he will absolutely decline, so it would have to be a sign-and-trade, which would hard cap the mavs at the tax apron. The only way that works is if Kyrie is walking. Losing Kyrie and giving up the 10th pick for the privilege of overpaying Kuzma is recipe to end up back in the lottery.

  19. ginger_snap214

    kuz isn’t as good of a defender as i’d like

  20. Seeker1115

    If Washington is still operating like they have for a while, trying to make the playoffs at any cost, I don’t see why they do this. They already have last year’s tenth pick, Johnny Davis, and he’s been really bad so far.

    If their new GM actually has ownership’s permission to tank, fuck yeah I want Kuzma. I’d do this in a heartbeat. He’d be our best wing immediately. I’d love to get a 2nd back though. They owe us one for giving them a 2nd with Porzingis.

  21. adjust_your_set

    With the new CBA restrictions and us having 2 max players already, I feel like team building in the future is going to really prioritize rookie contracts.

    To that end, we need to make the pick at 10. It’s one of the only ways for us to add good and cheap talent.

  22. Fatman214

    I’ll stop watching basketball if we did this

  23. Geezmanswe

    He is really good, but the new CBA more or less demands to build through the draft. Productive players on rookie contracts are worth a ton now and will be even more important in the future.

    I don’t think we can move a decent first with our old, un-talented and un-athletic roster.

  24. TheKingofWakanda

    Nope for me

    If we’re gonna trade the 10th pick, it better be packaged for a legit impact defender (ideally a center) or a star

    We can’t be trading our few remaining assets for marginal improvements

  25. dontwasteink

    Nope, keep the 10th pick, or trade it for a star in a package.

  26. buffalobill41

    No way, kuzma about to get overpaid and isn’t great at anything.

  27. NatongCaviar

    If Dick is available in the 10th round, Dick pick all the way.

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