@National Basketball Association

Kendrick Perkins on ESPN not marketing Jokic enough to casual fans: “We are to blame, the media, us at ESPN. We should do a better job promoting him… Less talk about Lebron and Tatum and more talk about Jokic” — Pat McAfee: “Well Perk, the reason why you won’t is cause he’s white, I know that”

Kendrick Perkins on ESPN not marketing Jokic enough to casual fans: “We are to blame, the media, us at ESPN. We should do a better job promoting him… Less talk about Lebron and Tatum and more talk about Jokic” — Pat McAfee: “Well Perk, the reason why you won’t is cause he’s white, I know that”

by AashyLarry


  1. MTNDuwu

    I’ll give it to perk, he provided the longest lasting hot take of the season

  2. dookiewookieporche

    Jokic does everything well, so well that he makes it look effortless, white or black the way he plays just isn’t exciting to watch

  3. NarrativeEnergy

    who tf is this Mcafee guy? sounds like a Republican with a victim complex

  4. It’s not because he’s white it’s because he’s Serb.

  5. OnceAteABurgerAMA

    Thank god McAfee went to ESPN so he can get quality guests like Kendrick Perkins

  6. HerskyB

    All the money pat got and he can’t afford a shirt

  7. akapatch

    Heartbreaking: 2 people you hate just made a great point

  8. CastingCouch-Agent

    Same dumbass motherfucker that said the MVP was racial bias. Also, this fool said Russell Westbrook was the best player for OKC. I can’t stand this bum ass fool.

  9. toldyaso

    The old NBA culture has a very specific vision of what an NBA star looks and sounds like, and a 7 foot pasty looking white guy with chubby cheeks and a thick accent doesn’t fit the mold.

    What braindead morons like Perk are eventually going to figure out is that international players are going to become an ever-larger part of the nba and it’s culture. The fact that so many media figures have been so slow to recognize joker is a good example of how the old guard nba media is becoming extinct.

  10. Pal__Pacino

    Has more to do with him being European and introverted I think. Media can’t get enough of Austin Reaves and Herro.

  11. unbuildedyanayr2

    I mean, he’s got a point. The media does tend to favor certain players over others, regardless of their talent or skill. But let’s be real, if Jokic was black, he’d probably get a lot more attention. It’s just the way things are.

  12. ZacapaRocks

    This m’fer started the Fuck the Joker MVP campaign. F this m’fer

  13. Jupesux

    I couldn’t agree more, Kendrick. Jokic is an incredible player and deserves more recognition. But let’s not forget about the other talented players out there who also deserve some love.

  14. workhandbillaws4

    That’s harsh, but honestly not surprising. The media has always had a bias towards certain players and demographics. It’s time for a change in the way we promote athletes.

  15. CoachDT

    Honestly he’s right but like… I really don’t wanna hear it from this sub Lmao.

    I know “there are millions of people on this sub” and blah blah but I’ve already seen overlap from people who swore race has nothing to do with fan appeal (only when being white is a boon) suddenly dropping dissertations on how Jokic’s identity is stopping the media from covering him.

  16. BashfulRepublic

    Typical ESPN, always pushing their agenda. Jokic is a great player and deserves more recognition regardless of his skin color.

  17. sctthuynh

    I don’t really blame the media. They will cover what gets them the most views, which leads to the most money.

    Jokic like Tim Duncan before him isn’t going to be one of the biggest draw or have the most starpower in the sport despite how great they are as players.

    Theirs little fairness or logic to fame. Its why the Kardashians are billionaires or close to it and many other more talented women aren’t even close.

  18. Pretend-Vehicle6185

    Thanks for saying this now Perk after you led the Embiid sympathy campaign

    Where’s Embiid at now?

  19. Blutz101

    Haha perk your the reason he didn’t win mvp when he should have we didn’t forgot your social media tour you did

  20. mmaguy123

    Let’s be honest it has nothing to do with he’s white.

    Luka is media phenom. Literal publicity magnet that the league has tried to hang on to.

    Jokic is like Duncan in that his game is not flashy, despite being an all time great.

  21. younghplus

    Joker isn’t on social media, is a 7 foot tall European, doesn’t speak English super fluently and doesn’t play on a name brand team. Not rocket science here. Guys like Timmy D and Dirk similarly flew under the radar. Compare / contrast Joker to Luka as far as marketing

  22. HolyRomanPrince

    I know it was a joke but it is because he’s white AND he plays an unsexy style of basketball to non basketball nerds. Big men outside of Shaq have generally been a harder sell and him not putting himself out there isn’t helping. He’s going to be thought of the way we thought of Timmy. The only difference is Duncan being great and on a national stage almost immediately after being the number 1 created a different relationship with fans and media.

  23. I think it’s because he the least aesthetically pleasing superstar. The man is a machine, not an artist.

    It is entertainment business, visuals earn more money than numbers.

  24. darylmoreyisking

    I still dont understand this narrative that jokic isnt talked about? He won back to back mvps & is now being talked about all the time, including this discourse; talking about how jokic isnt talked about enough while talking about jokic lol.

  25. Cockrocker

    They did that sweet animation… Can’t please some people.

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