@Denver Nuggets

What do y’all think about this Drew Litton cartoon?

What do y’all think about this Drew Litton cartoon?

by SeaworthinessOdd548


  1. Denialofdeath2

    I think Drew should stick to the broncos

  2. Warlord10

    People need to stop being so homerish and protective. The cartoon is accurate.

    Less so for Jamal but still applicable.

    I’m stating right here. MPJ has ONE more half of Basketball to prove that he has it, otherwise he is getting yanked. He was a MASSIVE liability in game 2 and decent in game 1.

    If he screws up his defensive rotations again AND isn’t scoring, then he is useless in this series.

    KCP hasn’t been stellar either. He fouled THREE shooters by closing out too hard, costing us 8 points ( In a 3 point loss! ). That is basic shit that can be avoided. Also his communication and rotations have been poor.

  3. landlion35

    It’s fine. It just shouldn’t have Jamal on the missing pic

  4. IdRatherBeLurking

    I think he just started watching the Nuggets

  5. Ill-Ad-9199

    If that sick burn doesn’t light a fuckin fire under ever Nugget ass then they might as well hang up their cleats and switch from bball to skeeball.

  6. mclovin232

    True story! The Nugs have a habit of standing there and watching the Joker.

  7. TIL that Drew Litton went to the Colorado Sun.

  8. cornbreadsdirtysheet

    Shitty cartoonist accurate take……I can relate as a Mavs fan lol. And good luck ! 👍

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