@Los Angeles Clippers

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

by Longjumping_Day3751


  1. JimmyV034

    incoming L.Frank going after old point guard with high character and toughness

  2. FilipinooFlash

    Washed and injury prone (so he’d fit right in), nostalgia will be tempting for some fans but I don’t want this

  3. JimmyKanine

    If Westbrook gets his bigger contract somewhere else and CP3 takes the vet minimum I don’t hate taking him back.

  4. AshenSacrifice

    If it’s on a 5m or less deal then no brainer

  5. LilTurnippman

    Stop it right fucking now, I know what some of you guys are thinking, just stop.

  6. doinnothin

    I don’t want that energy. Imagine watching him whine for 50ish regular season games (if he’s lucky) and then getting hurt in the playoffs again.

  7. earth-module

    He cured his addiction


  8. AngsMcgyvr

    Bring him back. Essentially for free? Gotta do it.

    I’m not saying he’s my first choice at all, but im pretty worried about how the new CBA is gonna completely tie the FOs hands.

    I won’t be surprised if the Clips also pull some similar stuff to get under the second apron.

    >Penalties for exceeding the second apron include the loss of the mid-level exception, a ban on including cash as part of trades and the inability to accept more salary in a trade than the team sends out. A team in the second apron will also be unable to aggregate salary in trades and cannot trade its first-round pick seven years in the future (ie. its 2030 pick in 2023/24) or sign players on the buyout market.

    >Also, if a team exceeds the second apron and remains there in two of the four subsequent years, its frozen draft pick (the one that was initially seven years out) will get moved to the end of the first round, regardless of the team’s record in that season.

  9. 20PGZalm

    My heart says yes but my brain says no. We have enough injury prone players as it is and while I’d love a CP3 reunion, he won’t help much on that front. Happy he’s out of Phoenix though!

  10. purplejetski

    Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby

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