@Denver Nuggets

Beautiful tribute video by ESPN for Jokic-Murray duo

Beautiful tribute video by ESPN for Jokic-Murray duo

by IllEstablishment8291


  1. AchyBallz66

    Classy montage by the fine folks at ESPN

  2. AnimalRomano

    That song all this playoffs always made me have goosebumps

  3. NoAbbreviations290

    I’m not crying. You’re crying.

  4. marksor_13

    I’m happy for the whole nuggets team and its fans. What a team to root for. That Murray injury was big. I didn’t think he’d come back and win it all with this team. Goosebumps all around watching this video.

  5. zperic1

    I know it’s been said time and time again but that intro frame with Jokic as an absolute chonker… I just can’t believe that’s the future 2x MVP, Finals MVP, NBA champ at the age of 28.

  6. Initial-Stick-561

    Would have loved to see more of how they grew up respectively in Serbia and Canada! These old footages look so cool in retrospect!

  7. jimmyTHETHUNDER

    Mike Breen is really good. It’s a shame ESPN saddles him with dumb and dumber.

  8. reddituser1580

    They’re forever in the history books

  9. flappypancaker

    Holy shit that may have been the best espn produced video I’ve ever seen

  10. bmeisler

    Haha, Adam Silver’s worst nightmare – the best player in the NBA and now champion is even less charismatic than Tim Duncan!

  11. nuggetsgonnanugg

    The “born far apart, grew up in the NBA together.” line from Breen hits me hard every time. Dude is a master.

  12. InsertNameHere_25

    This made me tear up! 😢 i love these guys!

  13. thesavant

    My wife and father-in-law are Jamaican, and they graciously watched all playoffs with me. Any time Jamal was on screen I kept pointing and saying to them – “hey! that guy’s Jamaican!” (I also did this with R.J. Barrett too :D). The point is towards the end of the later rounds, I got them to basically root for the Nuggets :D. Great job!

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