@Toronto Raptors

“Multiple sources have described the Raptors as frustrating to deal with.”

“Multiple sources have described the Raptors as frustrating to deal with.”

by ArrayMichael7


  1. JustinBoone31

    I can see it, Masai overrates the hell out of our players. Then we continue being middle of the pack.

  2. NoseBlind2

    As a fan I am contributing to the multiple sources

  3. 99ahmadali786

    I hate it. You don’t have to fleece every single team. Just get trades done. Your negotiating tactics worked 6-7 years ago when no one knew who Masai and Bobby were.

  4. KratosSmash

    Imagine being fixated on pascal Siakam. Grow a pair Masai

  5. SDAisaleaf

    There’s definitely a middle ground between being a pushover in negotiations and being unpleasant to deal with, and it’s not a good thing to be at either end of the spectrum. I know lots of people like the idea that Masai is a masterful executive, but you’re only hurting your own team at the end of the day if you overvalue your own players and nobody wants to make deals with you

  6. One_Celebration_9998

    This is why we hardly do any moves and are stuck in mediocre purgatory

  7. We are gonna be stuck with the same roster next year minus Fred and Gary lmao.

  8. Cheechers23

    Raptors: Don’t take 3 shitty first round picks for OG

    Teams: Why are the Raptors so difficult to work with

  9. earlyearlgray

    Trying to get Masai to cave to bad offers via media – nice try. These “multiple sources” could all be from the same team (Kings probably)

  10. I believe it honestly lol. I mean on the one hand I’m glad we don’t settle for mediocre deals, but at the same time – I have to wonder how often our asking prices have admittedly been a little much.

  11. unclekarl_

    Oh stop it. The same fans complaining about Masai here are the same fans making the most outlandish trade posts 🤣

  12. GlueGuy00

    Masai is frustrating to deal with unless you’re the Spurs

  13. Danny Ainge and Morey are praised as being geniuses for being difficult and never making a trade unless they win it

  14. HPBasketball has no sources lol. He’s a nuggets beat writer but doesn’t have a single source in the nuggets org

  15. Barnicus53

    Obviously the Raptors shouldn’t undervalue their players, but as a team that isn’t exactly the envy of the league in terms of roster construction I don’t see how pissing off other teams is going to work in their favour.

  16. Barnicus53

    From the article where this was written:

    “Speaking of Anunoby, there is a growing sense among executives who have called the Raptors (albeit with some caution) that Pascal Siakam may be easier to deal with than Anunoby currently. One savvy executive did mention that he felt that was a means to judge market value if and when the Raptors do decide to trade Anunoby. However, it’s fair to say front offices are pretty worn out on the attempts by Toronto to get “blood from a stone” as one executive put it at the deadline in any deal. Multiple sources have described the Raptors as frustrating to deal with. So why keep calling? “There are only 29 teams to work with.”

  17. OguguasVeryOwn

    People are going to trash this report like they always do, and then when we end up not making a deal or only doing something small, they’re going to say well the offers will be better at the trade deadline.

    Rinse and repeat.

  18. ark2690

    We’re running it back with FVV and Siakam

  19. CanadianLionelHutz

    This is genuinely exactly what you want to be at this point.

  20. motherseffinjones

    Oh no where not gonna trade out all nba player to Atlanta for a bag of chips lmao

  21. danger_zones

    OG: 25 year old All-Defense 3 and D wing that can guard 1-5 that the entire league wants

    Siakam: 29 year old championship caliber second option, 2x All-Star, 2x All-NBA, averaged 24/8/6 on 57% TS this season despite playing center for league high minutes with no shooting or spacing around him. Great in the post, great in transition, decent playmaker and he developed a midrange game.

    I understand some other teams fans undervaluing Siakam and wanting OG for cheap but some Raps fans need to understand what we have. If we’re going to trade them then we should expect multiple picks and some young players.

  22. canadianRSK

    I see rumors of porzingus for the third pick, why in the world woukdnt we want good stuff for our players? Og shoukdnt be traded for 3 late first round picks. Fred shouldnt have been traded for salary filler

  23. TrueTorontoFan

    thats because he always has gone for deals where he outright wins basically

  24. this stems from Toronto trying to not show their hand. Trying to put out there that they want to bring in talent and compete as well as deals for future talent and rebuild. If they get figured figured out the offers will be worse than they would be with greater uncertainty.

    Edit: hpbasketball is a good follow for magic numbers for elimination or securing a playoff seeds.

    He is employed by a gambling network to there is always a slant to betting.

    But really he is just a media guy that follows everything and loves to talk about it. And any sources he has are either Denver exclusive or second hand through friends. He’s not a national guy just an human aggregator.

  25. idislikehate

    I know this is likely made up but we can all admit it’s almost definitely true based on what we know. I want my GM to be frustrating to negotiate with (but there’s an obvious limit).

  26. Kevita24

    Other teams: “We really want Siakam! let’s make a deal”

    Masai “We also like Siakam, we didn’t plan on trading him but we would take XY and Z for him”

    Other Teams: “Ok we will give you X but no Y or Z”

    Masai “No”

    Other teams “WTF! you’re so frustrating to deal with!”

    Masai: “Ok. You came to us”

  27. Extension_Pay_1572

    Finally some good news, looking to value our guys highly and wanting that extra pick/player included. Hoping it doesn’t blow up in our faces ![img](emote|t5_2s5sb|5166)![img](emote|t5_2s5sb|3921)

  28. Deuce17

    At the beginning of my fantasy career I gained a reputation for pulling off completely lopsided trades. Once I became “that guy” people stopped wanting to trade with me. Masai’s reputation might be preceding him.

  29. Sounds like guys in my fantasy hoops league.

  30. Kevita24

    Keep everyone and f#$k these teams who are trying to fleece us…either give us market value or don’t trade Siakam or OG, pay them, and keep them both…we don’t NEED to trade anyone, we can retain everyone, use the #13 pick to add depth, add some pieces in free agency, and be a playoff team next season.

    I understand wanting to see change and not wanting to have the same roster but getting fleeced isn’t a move, and Masai isn’t going to give Siakam away, I don’t even think the Raptors are shopping him, I think it’s other teams coming to them and trying to obtain him…so why the f#$k would he sell him for anything less than a haul??

    I don’t understand what teams think…you have a top 15-ish player that you’re trying to obtain, that you clearly need, cough cough Portland, and you’re upset because the team you’re trying to trade with doesn’t want to get fleeced and give you him on the cheap.

    Simons + Sharpe + #3 pick OR Simons #3 pick and two future picks or else no deal IMO

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