@Boston Celtics

[Himmelsbach] Per source, neither Juhann Begarin nor Yam Madar are expected to play for the Celtics’ summer league team this year. Mostly due to commitments to their European clubs.

[Himmelsbach] Per source, neither Juhann Begarin nor Yam Madar are expected to play for the Celtics’ summer league team this year. Mostly due to commitments to their European clubs.

by Avery-Bradley


  1. DoomdUser

    Oh no! There goes the “trade Brogdon and give his minutes to Pritchard and Madar” option…

    So anyways…

  2. Equal_Pumpkin8808

    I would assume this is the formal beginning of the end for both. Neither’s teams are actually playing games right now, so unless I’m missing something I think they’re just choosing to train with their European teams over playing in summer league? Madar I think the writing was on the wall after last SL but Begarin I thought would stick it out one more year.

  3. ImDKingSama

    Begarin is still young and raw, so no surprise he keeps getting stashed to develop, maybe he becomes nothing but it’s still early. Yam is the interesting one, 22 years old and has been stashed for a while. Feel like if he doesn’t get called up soon it’s pretty much over for him.

  4. jellopy1ea

    Begarin needs to find an elite shooting coach before it’s too late for his nba career. His shooting %s are atrocious and he’s playing in the Euroleague.

    Yam would be nice for the bench but who knows if he’s even better than PP.

  5. robbyf21

    That’s a bummer. Seeing the stash guys is part of the fun of SL ball

  6. Dangerous_Toe_5482

    JD clears both these bums tbh, doesnt really matter imo

  7. Old_Willow4766

    This stinks. Was actually kinda hyped to see Madar get more looks with the ball in his hands. The hope with him is he keeps developing and wants to play in the NBA a few years down the line.

  8. hoopahDrivesThaBoat

    But partially due to them being bad

  9. nibbinoo8

    damn man i love watching begarin. im still silly high on him for some reason. madar isn’t cut out for the nba, that was pretty clear last summer or whenever he played for us last. i always get downvoted for saying it though lol.

  10. Grouchy_Ambition2082

    Who wants to play for a team that won’t give them playing time anyways.

  11. Drawing_The_Line

    The Celtics just don’t have a strong desire or commitment to scouting players from Europe or Africa. Trends have been pointing to strong talent coming from both places and yet for some reason Wyc just hasn’t made that a priority. An easy example would be Jokić of course, a 2nd round pick that Denver made after making scouting Europe a priority within the organization. I realize that even Jokić was not an overnight sensation, but the Nuggets strong desire and commitment to finding talent outside of the USA and it paid off for them. With both Begarin and Madar, I applauded the Celtics willingness to look outside the USA, but in retrospect it feels like we were one foot in and one foot outside the water. We hoped we took good players, but had no real plan to bring them into the fold. We had no place for them to play years after the fact.

    I get the strategy of drafting and stashing, but that plan is useless if an organization doesn’t have a real path for said players to join the club. And if they didn’t pan out, which seems like a stretch to say without even being given a chance to showcase their skills in the NBA, then I’m even more critical of Wyc’s Research and Development within the organization. I blame Wyc and not Danny or Brad currently, because the buck stops with him, and it is ultimately his responsibility to hire the right people and set up the right Research and Development that a professional organization should have. More disappointment from the Celtics.

  12. GooseMay0

    Jesus didn’t they draft Madar four years ago? Our overseas scouting has been awful from day one.

  13. CantHandleTheTruth34

    And also mostly because they’re not going to be NBA players. Maybe this year we can draft a player with actual NBA prospects.

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