@Oklahoma City Thunder

We are having a Thunder Roundtable pod with Brandon Rahbar, Rylan Stiles, and Clemente Almanza tonight! Drop any draft questions you may have below! ⬇️

In the meantime, check out our previous draft episodes!

by ThunderChats


  1. CreditBoss1993

    Did Ousmane Dieng actually get taller? Also what is his ceiling? A starter? 6Man and backup ball handler?

    What 2nd or 3rd year player do you see taking a leap this coming season?

    Do we keep Poku around? If so, how will the minutes be split among Chet, JWill, Dieng, Poku (and JDub)?

    If Leonard Miller only projects as a John Collins/Christian Wood type of big (with maybe a little more feel, IQ and motor), is that really a bad thing in the OKC system?

  2. got_ur_goat

    Each person pick for these 2 scenarios

    1. trade up target and trade proposal
    2. staying at 12 selection

    JWill prediction for next season

  3. Trowa007

    Not quite draft related, but kind of.

    There’s a lot of talk about the new CBA and how it will impact the Thunder. Could you breakdown what’s changing, and how it might impact us positively or negatively?

    And then could you speak to more of a projected idea, considering the salaries we see currently in the NBA and optimistic expectations for what looks to be our core going forward (SGA, Giddey, JDub, Chet, and Dort)? For example, the Suns now have Booker + KD + Beal ($36M + $47M + $47M, not even including Ayton + $33M) on $130M and that will go up to $161M in ’25-’26. It’s hard to believe we’re going to run into an issue that big, even if I am high on all 5 of our guys.

  4. safetycommittee

    What will the 15 man roster and what will our rotations be?

  5. vinifalcon

    Not a question, but I’d love to hear your hot takes for this draft

  6. cowboygenius

    The big questions I see for this off-season are what we do with our cap space, Micic’s rights, and our ‘24 picks.
    $30M is significant cap space to maybe overpay a vet or take on money. The Micic smoke seems a little more real this time and plenty of teams could offer him the ~$7M contract he’s looking for, but is it the thunder or another team? And do we move a ‘24 1st round pick forward to this year by combining it to move up? I think we have guys we certainly try to go get but it takes two to tango, as they say.

  7. GumbyRNG

    How freaking good is JDub about to be…

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