@Dallas Mavericks

Report: There is a feeling in the league that Deandre Ayton could be traded for matching salary and no draft picks. -Stein

Report: There is a feeling in the league that Deandre Ayton could be traded for matching salary and no draft picks. -Stein

by A_MacGee13


  1. A_MacGee13

    I’ve been very much in the anti-Ayton camp but if you can get him without moving 10 for say Bertans and THJ/Reggie/Maxi I’m incredibly intrigued.

  2. charliefinkwinkwink

    Bertans + THJ for Ayton works money wise lol

    Bertans + McGee + Bullock also works

  3. Active_Page_3886

    Hardaway and Bertans is the obvious offer. Nothing more, nothing less

  4. AdmiralSnackbar816

    With the news that it’s possible to get Collins + 15 for just Bertans and Bullock, would you rather get that combination, or Deandre Ayton?

    In one scenario we can conceivably end up with Hendricks/Collins/big wing at 15. And in the other we’d have Hendricks/Ayton.

    Either option is quite honestly, kind of amazing and completely unforeseen even a week ago.

  5. Seeker1115

    Yeah he’s a non-star center with significant flaws in his game on a max contract. I get that there’s this expectation because he was the #1 pick, but he doesn’t want to be there and just isn’t that level of player.

  6. OneFondant1142

    If we can get him without giving up the draft pick, then FULL send. I get it’s a lot to lock up in contracts between him, Luka, and KI but you figure out how to leverage those assets down the road if it doesn’t work. You want to keep Luka happy? This is the way

  7. Yaddlethejedimaster

    Davis + THJ + McGee please for the love of god

  8. VanWesley

    I did not foresee a scenario where we would need to evaluate several Bertans trade scenarios instead of just immediately taking the first decent offer that comes.

  9. lilsaucy32

    – THJ + McGee + either Bullock/Kleber (I think Bullock would be more enticing for them?)

    – Send it in and don’t overthink it.

    – on draft night, if Hendricks is there, draft at 10. If not, Trade 10 + Bertans for Olynyk + 16+28

    – Assuming they draft with both 16 + 28 = draft 1 wing + 1 big

    – sign Thybulle MLE

    Luka – Kyrie – Green – Olynyk – Ayton

    Hardy – Thybulle – X rookie – Kleber – Y Rookie

    – You still would have a 27′ FRP to move around and make 1 more move too, but Dallas would have transformed their roster from an aging team with a bunch of declining vets in their 30s to a young, hungry, and athletic team.

  10. RyceMenace

    This sounds WAY TOO GOOD to be true, but if Nico pulls this off he’s getting a one-way ticket to pound town.

  11. htking2019

    This team needs defense and rebounding. Ayton offers decent defense and 10 rebounds a game. Not to mention 18 points on top of that. If we can get him for no picks and salary filler idk why we would say no. Though I’m sure if he’s really only going for salary they’ll get a better offer than what we could make.

  12. StormTheTrooper

    Presuming we trade Timmy, Bertans and McGee for Ayton (if that is what Phoenix can get, it is extremely sad for them) and max Kyrie, we would still be 3M south of the tax line as long as only sign the #10 pick and a bunch of vet min guys. Spotrac does not allow me to use the TPMLE and I cannot trigger the tax line, but up to my knowledge the TPMLE does not trigger the hard cap.

    Overpaying someone like Bates-Diop to be a SF/PF hybrid with the TPMLE (not even sure I can call this overpay, really), draft either Hendricks or Dick (the whole landscape changes if we are bringing Ayton for peanuts, we can afford the luxury of drafting a sharpshooter like Dick and teach him defense) or still trade down but, this time, avoiding salary (10 for 21 and 22 straight up, as an example).

    I believe that, as long as we do not aggregate long-term salary (trading Bullock for guys under contract for 3-4 years), we should be OK, actually, at least until Hardy’s deal is due. Green’s salary holder should be more or less what Bullock makes and even if he asks for 20M AAV, we would be on the tax but not close to the 2nd apron.

    So, presuming we would not trade down: Luka/Kyrie/Green/Hendricks/Ayton, bringing Hardy, Bullock, Bates-Diop, Maxi, Ntilikina and him, the legend, Dwight Powell off the bench; Luka/Kyrie/Green/Maxi/Ayton, bringing Hardy, Bullock, Dick, Bates-Diop, Ntilikina and Powell off the bench.

    Presuming we trade down? Luka/Kyrie/Green/Maxi/Ayton, bringing Hardy, Bullock, Clowney, Miller, Bates-Diop and Powell or Nnaji off the bench.

  13. Water-First

    I live in the Phoenix area. Sports talk radio said the Suns would ask for Hardaway + Kleber

  14. Dirks_Knee

    Again…the new CBA has teams spooked. No one is going to be recklessly throwing in 1st round picks for a couple years.

  15. FrankDh

    isn’t that exactly what makes sense? suns need playoff ready role-players. rookies are more risky with that

  16. desirox

    I’m in on Ayton if no picks, I have serious doubts about his motor but you’re not gonna get a big like this for cheaper

  17. SpanishDeathDog

    Hahaha I fucking knew it!! Powell and Bertans for DA is looking pretty good rn😎

  18. top_of_the_table

    Yes, it will be a hard awakening for the Suns fans, if they realize, how little they can get for their overpaid center, who just is a negative asset at this point.

    They are in dreamland over there in r/suns. Top comment in a thread about earlier negotiations between Mavs and Suns for Kyrie:

    “My guess is that Dallas wanted both Ayton and CP3 in a deal.”

    Yes, we would have traded Kyrie for Ayton and CP3…

  19. CreedWasOkay

    Ayton is bad. I don’t care how people spin it. If a max player has to ride pine in the playoffs, he’s not worth the money.

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