@Washington Wizards

Bradley Beal appreciation thread now that he’s been officially traded

Bradley Beal appreciation thread now that he’s been officially traded

by Solid-Confidence-966


  1. MajesticMoose22

    All I can say is I’m a little disappointed he didn’t break elvin hayes’ career points total before leaving!

    He should be recognized as one of our best!

  2. last_suvivor13

    My favorite player for the last 7 years, thank you Bradley for 11 years with this team, did everything you can to try and make us better. I’m forever grateful for you staying loyal to the soil when you coulda been easily went to a contender after John went down. Watched you grow from a catch and shoot player to one of the leagues best scorers, an all star and all nba player.

    Thank you for holding it down and staying committed for two years to a very bad wiz team while Wall was hurt and giving us something to root for during those times, from the game winning layup vs the mavs, and back to back 50 point games you were always fun to watch.

    Lastly, thank you for all your charity work and people you’ve helped in this community, giving those kids a tour of Howard university, building a new basketball court and the food drives. Your efforts were always appreciated. Best of luck Beal! I will continue to support you getting buckets on the suns tryna get that title, a wizard legend forever, hope that they hang up 3 in the banners of capital one when it’s a said and done and maybe you can sign a 1 day contract to retire as a wizard. Again, thanks for everything Beal. 🫡🥲😪

  3. Joshottas

    I’m indifferent. Wish him well in PHX, but never had the same connection to him or his play like I did for Wall. It is what it is.

  4. BirdmanTheThird

    He had every right to request a trade in 2018 but didn’t, and I’ll always respect him trying to make it work in DC

  5. AsYouWishon

    I moved to DC in Jan. 2019 right after the Wall injury. Beal has been a constant on the court and in the community amid so much change. Love his personality and leadership and will welcome him back when he returns.

  6. Solid-Confidence-966

    He was a fantastic player and a fantastic member of the DC community for the past 11 years who at a personal level I’m sad to see go.


    If KD had come: Wall, Beal, KD, Gortat, MMorris, Porter off the bench.

    That group w/o KD & instead Mahimmi (:)) finished 4th in the East. *With* KD that was going to be a maybe. The Warriors (with KD) do it twice & Toronto do it before Lebron’s Cav go.

    Wall got injured the next season. Brad stayed. For 7 seasons.

    That was the maybeWall/Beal window & the last time I felt we not only had a chance but what amounts to a “process” or “plan”. 7 off-seasons ago.

    But Brad still stayed and believed like many of us on this sub. One of us. Yeah he got paid but he never moaned or demanded a trade. He was loyal AF. I hope he wins. I hope his excellent play lets the NBA see how in the *Hall of Very Good* he deserves to be. Some voices on NBA channels still saying he isn’t all that. He is. He deserves some acclaim, spotlight, respect and Playoffs & I hope he gets it.

  8. We let him down organizationally and allowing players to have a large say over roster moves is a disaster.

    Genuinely capable of being a first option on a championship team and maybe the 2nd best off ball scorer in the league.

    Started following the wizards his rookie year when we opened 5-28 because wall was injured and beal was the primary optioin on the team. The player he’s become is amazing. Seeing his growth was amazing. Even though his numbers have gotten better I really don’t think he’s ever been as impactful as he was in 2014.

    EDIT: ah fuck its really hitting me man this fucking sucks, i wish he tried harder this last year, played defense like we know he can, idk what he was going through or what the situation was in the lockerroom but man this team underperformed so hard last year and i wish it hadnt happened that way

  9. Iheardyourstereo

    Favorite Wizard for years. Bought the team USA Beal jersey. Of course, it showed up 2 months after he never played for the team. Still rock it, though

  10. michaelpinkwayne

    Bradley Beal you played in Washington and scored points and won games sometimes.

  11. annonymousBscorpio

    Him and Wall from 2014-17 legitimately had me thinking we could make it out the east. Also, the Wall/Beal/Porter/Morris/Gortat line up in 2k was always a problem lol thanx for the decade-plus Brad, go compete for a chip now. ✊🏾

  12. Moist_Cactus69

    I always liked beal but I never loved beal. I never felt like he was a leader, or a first option caliber player, and I always resented him for being our first option, which isn’t his fault. That being said, he seems like a good guy and he’s a great player. Hope he wins a chip in phoenix.

  13. Redskins4evaB

    He is a human end of the day who will do what right by him. Respect to Panda. Now go win a chip

  14. PickpocketJones

    I personally love Brad and never understood any of the misplaced anger. All he did was outplay his draft position, never complain, always play hard, and it was our front office who made the bad decisions in handling him as an asset. What more do you want from a guy you draft #3 overall?

  15. BayTerp

    I’m gonna miss him. Wish we ran it back with him and KP rather than rebuild. But it is what it is. Beal is hands down my favorite player to ever wear a Wizards jersey

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