@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets Reign – Day 13 | Discussion Thread | Jun 25, 2023

**Daily Listening:** [Bright Eyes – Cassadaga (2007)]( | *Recommended by u/PoorTonyK*

by BigHoneyBot


  1. lemondhead

    The whole “NBA Champs” thing still feels incredible.

    Nice daily listening, Mr. K.

  2. WeirdRedBeard

    Today, leafcutter bees learned the hard way not to fuck with me.

  3. WeirdRedBeard

    Is there a point to the Detroit Pistons franchise beyond poaching wings for the sole purpose of still being the worst team in the league?

  4. GmanDonovan

    Cassadaga is one of my favorite bright eyes albums! So freaking good from top to bottom!

  5. about90frogs

    I wish I could take a dump without my children trying to kill each other

  6. n0thing_remains

    Today’s gonna be the day I’ll for the first time try wonton chicken

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