@Boston Celtics

Larry must’ve hurt his feelings on the court cause this is a blasphemous take

Larry must’ve hurt his feelings on the court cause this is a blasphemous take

by jeffers0n_steelflex


  1. LuckysBestMan

    If that’s the case then Rodman would be in China

  2. King_Of_Pants

    Bulls never beat the Celtics.

    Rodman’s snitching on his teammates here.

  3. MehFrosty

    Obviously biased but Bird could literally play in any era and succeed

  4. sling_dinger

    He did, bird cooked rodman in the Detroit series.

  5. Cavemanphilosopher19

    That would mean Dennis would be their too because he couldn’t guard him 🤣

  6. wilkinsk

    “Why are you leaving me wide open, Phil!?!?!”

  7. ChipotleGuacamole

    Rodman still salty all these years later LOL.

    He’s the one who had that “if he was black he’d be just another guy” take from the start and Isiah reiterated. Clearly he’s not a fan.

  8. hypercafspazz

    Yeah this is hyperbole at best and likely just a hot take. To say Bird wouldn’t even be in the league today is nonsense. He’s 6’ 9” with great court vision, high BBIQ, and shoots lights out from all over the court.

  9. Soren_Camus1905

    Pistons never respected Bird. Noted Asshole
    Isaiah Thomas infamously said Bird only got any attention because he was white.

  10. jmay111

    This era is all about shooting, it’s much more likely Dennis Rodman wouldn’t have been forced to play in Europe. Big men who can only rebound and play defense and can’t shoot are being completely phased out.

  11. IronBush

    25 year old Bird could play basketball in any era and be a superstar. It’s basketball, not track and field. Fuck Rodman. Fuck the Pistons. And fuck Bill Laimbeer.

  12. Minute-Branch2208

    Rodman’s always been jealous of Bird

  13. Hurricanemasta

    Setting Larry Bird aside here, saying that a player belongs in Europe because Nikola Jokic is “way better than” them means that 95% of the league is in Europe. Rodman is a clown.

  14. MambaCalledGame24

    Crazy how much disrespect Bird gets compared to Magic

  15. All_Blown_Out_Again

    I always find this kind of talk about Bird hilarious. Their basically saying that the player with a resume of 1980 NBA rookie of the year, 3 consecutive years of NBA MVP (84, 85, & 86), 12 NBA All Star appearances etc… can’t hang in any era of the NBA ?????

  16. chinesefox97

    Lol Bird is just as good at Jokic at everything with way better shooting and defense.

  17. GrayBox1313

    Bird would feast in this era of scoring wings

    Rodman would not.

  18. HolyGig

    – Claims Bird would be playing in Europe in current era

    – Compares Bird to two time MVP in current era


  19. number33234

    The absolute disrespect, 3 time MVP. Averaged 30-10-8 in his prime. Rodman is a clown and will always be one.

  20. jackstraw97

    Bird would be *better* in today’s league. The 3-point shot was still in its infancy in Bird’s day. Imagine him having the green light to shoot 3s all game like modern players do!

    And could you imagine how long his career could have lasted with modern sports medicine? I bet the training staff and front office wouldn’t let him resurface driveways in the off-season, either!

  21. OCCeltic24

    Lol sounds like Larry embarrassed Dennis one too many times

  22. guitarpatch

    Gary Payton said he couldn’t stop a broken down version of Bird in 91/92. He played in the same league as Kobe and LeBron

    Bird would be fine

  23. Mundane_Wallaby7193

    He’d average a triple-double in today’s defenseless game.

  24. Allen_Potter

    That’s certainly an opinion.

    As an old C’s hater (Nuggets fan who rooted for Showtime Lakers in that rivalry), I watched Bird play plenty on TV. I think something that cannot be measured easily by people who only get to look at stats is the fact that Bird was an absolute GAMER. No matter who he was facing, he wanted to win and was ready to do whatever to help his team win. He ranks with Jordan, Kobe, and Jimmy as a competitor. Basically the last guy you ever want to play against. This is kinda intangible and I’m pretty sure it’s lost on folks who didn’t get to see the man play.

    Another factor is that 3pt shooting was not emphasized so guys like Bird and Jordan probably didn’t work on it as much as today’s shooters. Anyone who thinks that Bird made less 3’s than player X simply because he wasn’t skilled enough is completely delusional. If 3’s were are common and valuable then as today, he’d have been a master. And clutch, too. This goes for a few guys from that generation.

    Larry Bird would be a massive problem in this era or any. Imagine him getting the prime James Harden whistle for example. And comparing him to my boy Jokić is unfair to both players. Jokić has fewer accolades partly b/c he’s only been in the league for 8 years (came off the bench in year one). Give him 5 or 6 more seasons and we can compare the resumes.

    Now Rodman? An absolute force of nature. He could guard anyone, get every rebound, and basically be a thorn in your side every single second he was on the court. But I really question what his role would be today as a non-shooter. And when I say non-shooter, I don’t mean that he only hits 27% of his 3’s. I mean, the guy didn’t shoot at all. Sometimes afraid to even have the ball in his hands because he could be hacked and he’d miss his FT’s. I think the real generational difference is not that Bird would be “in Europe” but rather that Rodman would be a highly specialized role player who would struggle to get off the bench in a playoff series.

    It’s incredible to see old players with such comically bad analyses of today’s players and gamestyle.

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