@Portland Trail Blazers

They’re literally losing their minds over there in r/Heat

They’re literally losing their minds over there in r/Heat

by DavidZacharyYT


  1. Mister_Mangina

    Lol acting like a grown man with a 250 million dollar contract is trapped in a cycle of abuse.

  2. CorridorOfCertainty

    How did they feel about loyalty when LeBron left?

  3. CelticsFan2002

    They have a point though; if the team you’re on is consistently being run like shit, what’s the point of being loyal to that team if they continue to disappoint you?

  4. KingKongKaram

    If making as much money as dame is where loyalty gets you when your failing then I will gladly be loyal

  5. Maleficent_Archer221

    That guys girlfriend: “Ayo wtf”


    Everyone is being such a big baby about Lillard not coming to their team. This is ridiculous.

  7. bigdubbayou

    They’re salty because they know their city is sinking into the ocean

  8. Vfbcollins

    Remember when the Heat were losing to the Spurs in the finals and Heat fans left the arena during the game , and then the Heat made a comeback and fans were trying to get back in? That’s Heat fans for ya.

  9. bringbackthesonics21

    “Say less” – Manipulated Loyal Man

  10. SpicySauce28

    Check your roster, homie. Udonis has been there for 20 years…

  11. Sparky337

    Now they are bashing Lillard saying he’s not even that good and he’s a loser. Those kids cannot cope

  12. teo1315

    I mean that’s a true statement. Don’t ever think your employer cares about you that much. You’re just an asset to them. The Blazer fans love Dame but the ownership and front office just care about the ticket sales.

  13. durmduke

    They were leaving NBA Finals games in droves while the Heat were still within striking distance a few of the games. They don’t deserve the Godfather, Spo, or Jimmy.

  14. reklaw19

    What a strange person. Fans of other teams sure like the narrative of blazers organization is evil and we should just release all our players so they can finally live happy lives. They can totally live in their little fantasy land though, it’s fine.

  15. IllustriousBoJangles

    They’re so entitled, pretty much offended that we won’t give up Dame for peanuts.

    Raptors and 76ers fans got annoying with trade rumors these past few years but at least they didn’t call the blazers a “bum” or “poverty” franchise in every blazers related thread on their sub. Heats fans acting like we’re a G League team.

  16. Pretend-Profit54

    Most heat fans are ready to move on from Lillard and He is likely not going to be in a winning situation in Portland for. At least 3 years max. I don’t mind lillard staying in Portland but Please don’t say Heat fans are losing their minds. They are mostly ready to move on lol

  17. RibbyPaultz

    Is this post speaking to Dame or to Heat fans? Read like the latter to me. Like the OP was threatening the Heat front office that they might lose his fandom and he’s encouraging others to join him. Lol

  18. toadtruck

    They don’t deserve Dame. I see some wretched comments in that cesspool

  19. It is fun to see their sun, they are desperate.

  20. MNewport45

    “I don’t know who needs to hear this… 👀 Dame is that you?!”

  21. Forbidden_Donut503

    Good….good….let the butthurt flow through you…..

  22. alfredisonfire

    I saw this on our sub and I’m like damn Its just basketball 😂

  23. alfredisonfire

    I saw this on our sub and I’m like damn Its just basketball 😂

  24. thatfuqa

    The Miami crowd was so dead through the playoffs, rip city every day.

  25. Wild-Exchange6257

    It’s funny that Dame would want to stay somewhere he feels appreciated and isn’t going hard to move his whole family to a place where they can’t show up to games until the 3rd quarter… Loyalty is so overated 🫡

  26. ejiggle

    36 of the last 40 championship teams were led by All-Stars drafted by the organization. Stars win at home—they just need a little help sometimes. Dame’s best chances are building right here, not gutting a middle of the road team and doing the same shit somewhere else lol

  27. Supadavidos

    Fuck the heat they ain’t getting Dame

  28. JayDogon504

    They so hurt Lmao. I say this as a Pels fan with no horse in the race. Personally as a fan of a small market team I love seeing Dame stay loyal. I don’t think players realize that loyalty can be just as rewarding as winning a ring, if not moreso. Dame will always be a legend in Portland and likely get a statue. Juxtapose that to somebody like CP3 who people have to ask where he’ll actually be celebrated after he retires and he didn’t even get a ring from all the chasing

  29. These are the kinds of people who act like it’s actually a good thing to not go to your parents’ house for thanksgiving

  30. tobydiah

    You’re referring to a downvoted post by some random dude who also posted about having depression, is an unskilled Amazon warehouse worker, and asking about self improvement tips. This type of cringe that exists in every city and fanbase is an indictment on an entire fanbase or State?

  31. tell the obvious Miami plant at the draft that he can burn his “Trade Dame” jersery now just like they did with Lebron lol

  32. DragonNikana

    Thank god the Nuggets beat them and Dame is not joining them.

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