@Los Angeles Clippers

Posted this earlier in the middle of the season (updated with the rookies)

Posted this earlier in the middle of the season (updated with the rookies)

by trancatt


  1. BallmersBurner

    If only Clippers just let the young guys play…

  2. UrDadsFave

    They could really be important if they didn’t spend their career in the g league because they was playing behind Mook, Luke, Reggie, and EJ. Would have been so much better to give them those minutes. But alas, we play the old and tired.

  3. JimmyV034

    I don’t think OP watched any videos of Kobe Brown. Anthony Bennett is totally different player than Kobe. Also BBJ is no near scoring talent like clarkson but he has future in this league as 3 and D guy if he improves his defense

  4. osusris

    we tried with the old geezer squad, its time to let the young dudes have their turn before they get fed up with lack of playing time and want out before we even tried to tap into their potential

  5. Canoli5000

    If BBJ improves his defense he could have a bigger impact on games and not go down the Jordan Clarkson route. Why would you put the Kobe pick next to Anthony Bennett when he has yet to play one summer league game with us?

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