@Boston Celtics

Favorite moments in a game the Celtics lost?

Put this same question in the Patriots sub Reddit and wanted to see the answers here. For me this is a no brainer, rookie Tatum putting LeThanos on a poster then following that up with a one dribble 3 from the wing to put us up by 1.

It is criminal what Brown and Rozier did that game. Along with Brad who I can’t believe just didn’t put the ball in his hands every possession after that sequence.

by ECviews


  1. Stunning-Society-543

    Smart coming back from the locker room after ankle injury last year

  2. bryscoon

    Bucks OT game with the bus 1 boys was cool

  3. pdunn472

    I loved the Marcus missed free throw into the DWhite “should’ve been an and 1” three against the sixers this year

  4. I_Set_3_Alarms

    That wild shot against the rockets that Jaylen hit to send it to OT

  5. Jazzlike-Hands

    Jaylen high fiving KG after the poster dunk against the mavs

  6. BatmanGWilliams

    Celtics going on a run vs the Knicks in PP and KG’s last game of the Big 3 era

  7. Eisenhorn76

    JB cramming on Kleiber during KG’s retirement night.

  8. slipper87

    All the best ones have been mentioned so here’s a good one: I remember JT putting PG on skates with a game tying step back 3 right near the end of a game that I am pretty sure the Clippers went on to win.

  9. prousstibat

    Marcus Smart hitting 11 threes against the suns

  10. SleepyBlue751

    Unrelated but, what’s going on with Tatum’s right shoulder in the second pic??

  11. thetruth0102

    Celtics comeback vs Philly in game 4, Smart’s 3 didn’t count

  12. iamgarron

    [Ray Allen breaking Reggie Millers 3 point record](, and Reggie who was announcing the game came out at mid court to give him a hug.

    This game landed me on the front page of []( (some family in my row made all these signs and handed them out; I was holding a 2621 sign)

  13. iLikeTrees2020

    Derrick White going nuts in G6 against the Heat LAST YEAR, it looked like that D White was really bringing us to the Finals. Unfortunately, Jimmy dropped 47 and we went to G7.

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