@National Basketball Association

[Katz] Unprompted text I just received from one team’s cap person: “Fuck my life.”

[Katz] Unprompted text I just received from one team’s cap person: “Fuck my life.”

by pcwgussej


  1. bryscoon

    this cba makes the nfl looks like a players league. I’d really like to hear CJ thoughts & perspective on the new cba tho bc it’s a head scratcher

  2. BramptonBatallion

    At least those guys get paid, what about for those of us that just nerd out over this for no real reason?

  3. LiverpoolPlastic

    Cheap owners having a ball right now

  4. flaman27

    do teams not get a draft copy before the official one gets released? or are they as in the dark as we are?

  5. SoupedUpMoped

    I’m picturing Kyrie talking this guy’s ear off

  6. TheFatmanRises

    It’s me I use Reddit as a back burner

  7. GovernmentDoingStuff

    All this just to punish Lacob and Ballmer for actually being good owners. Sickening really.

    Also a giant “Fuck you” to teams like Denver and Boston and eventually OKC and Cleveland who have built through the draft and can’t even keep their drafted core together

  8. SG-2000

    Bob Myers saw it coming and dipped out to Cancun.

  9. MindAltruistic6923

    If you don’t name a source you can just say anyone said anything to make a point. This isn’t anything except one person trying to lend authoritative weight to what we all already know – the new CBA is punitive.

    Here watch me do it. Unprompted text I just received from someone in media “Katz is a total clown.”

  10. Briggity_Brak

    If both sides agree to strike/lockout at the same time, can we terminate this CBA early?

  11. RatherBeInThePond

    There’s nothing in this world you could hand me 690 pages of and two days to review it where I would not give this exact same response.

  12. Decent-Chicken4928

    it’s Kings Gift Shop, they have to get rid of all those caps with old logo!

  13. Smellmyhand

    For some reason this feels made up because it’s Katz.

  14. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    What a shit sandwich of a CBA

  15. Koolman02

    An undisclosed capologist from an undisclosed NBA franchise took off his glasses, straightened his tie, stood still, and allowed his new calculator to take a true scientific accounting of the amount of money allocated to players currently on their roster compared to the amount of money available that they can spend on players not on said roster. The capologists exact reaction after seeing the money remaining, per Katz? “Fuck my life.”

  16. amenacingballsack

    Tbf the new cap is really fucking stupid.

    Don’t spend 90% of the max by opening night? Get fucked lol

    Spend over the max just to keep your homegrown talent? Get uber fucked lol

  17. Tkainzero

    I thought cap person was the guy in charge of the hats for the team. And he was mad because so many draft picks had big hair. Which made it had for the cap person.

  18. Disastrous-Object22

    [Katz] Unprompted text I just received from one team’s superstar point guard: “Fuck my wife.”

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