@Portland Trail Blazers

Jason Quick latest article – glad he and Dame seem to finally have made up.

Jason Quick latest article – glad he and Dame seem to finally have made up.

by houseveryweekend


  1. GaviFromThePod

    Jason Quick always writes the most ??? Stuff about the blazers.

  2. Msess23

    You could literally go through pretty much every current seasoned top 15 players resume, and point out playoff series and games where they were bad. So I don’t really see the point here.

    “Oh remember that 2007 finals when lebron was terrible(ignore the fact he was super young, and against a great vet team) or that 2011 series when he choked on the super team,”

    “oh remember when Steph/durant choked a 3-1 lead and had bad series. Or when Steph in game 3 in the 2018 finals scored 11 points, but durant bailed him out,”

    Playoff struggles happen to everyone, especially when you’ve been in the league for a decade plus. Dame has showed up enough times with poor supporting casts to not be labeled as a guy who struggles in the playoffs. 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020,(before he messed his knee up, and I still include some of those bubble games and play in games, cuz it was pretty much the playoffs), 2021, they all have been years where he’s been decent to great. The playoff struggles label is dumb

  3. OG_Kazaam

    There was a point that he was putting out good work but then Neil got fired and he lost his “in” with the organization, it’s just so blatantly obvious he is salty salty salty

  4. Gobbles15

    I definitely don’t agree with this. BUT. I will say there is a ton of talk of “doing right by Dame.”

    While I largely agree with that, I think it has to be balanced with doing right by the fans. A significant portion of the people here haven’t had a finals appearance in their lifetime and almost none of us have seen a title in Portland.

    As the GM it’s your job to be the steward of the franchise as a whole, not just appease an aging star. Or stay popular the entire time. And that takes courage. If we’re unable to put a proper contender around Dame, I hope Joe has the stones to make the decisions that maximize our chances of making a contender in Portland.

  5. Zix_101

    I read this yesterday and thought it was so funny him bringing up a series in 2015 like it wasnt almost a decade ago. Dame has been a faithful servant of the team, albeit raking in a lot of money. If we didn’t send him where he wanted, it would make players think twice about signing extensions with the blazers if they’re willing to screw their franchise player.

  6. X_SkeletonCandy

    I think Quick gets a lot of unwarranted hate around here, but this is just petty as hell.

    Go ahead and compare the number of times Dame has let his teammates down in the playoffs to the opposite. It’s not even remotely close.

  7. cephas_rock

    What does “the overlooking” even mean here? It seems to be empty of meaning.

  8. Wild-Exchange6257

    I have a love/hate relationship with Quick’s writing. Most of the time, I love to hate it. Occasionally, I hate that I love it. He’s definitely hyperbolic, but some of his insights into Portland players’ stories are fantastic. Quick, Clownzano, and Jaynes are the unholy trinity of baseless opinions and smug self-importance.

  9. Quick is a hack but this is why I never understood people hating on Jaylen Brown or Ayton in potential trade discussions. Young guys who had a terrible playoff series. Its happened to majority of players.

  10. Holiday_Machine9312

    Jason Quick has never gotten over Roy.

  11. Scalmaa

    Quick is like that guy at the party that has overstayed his welcome. Should’ve left or found something else to do years ago.

  12. After the hit pieces during the gsw debacle last season, I will always downvote quick showing up on this subreddit.

  13. bruggibuster

    Seems Quick is the one overlooking a ton about Dame’s playoff performances. Every player has had some bad games or even terrible series, but Dame has done legendary things in the playoffs. And I’m not just talking about the two series winners against Houston and OKC. What about his 55 points and 12 threes against Denver in 2021? In that game, CJ made boneheaded plays and the rest of his teammates were basically zero help. In the game against OKC where he hit the 37-foot dagger over PG, Dame had 50 points and scored 34 of them in the first half. He also had 10 threes, which is no big deal, I guess. Then you throw in Dame’s amazing run in the Bubble just to get into the play-in and grab the 8th seed. Quick is an absolute fool.

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