@Boston Celtics

who else feels like this guy is gonna have ANOTHER career year next season?

who else feels like this guy is gonna have ANOTHER career year next season?



  1. MacDaddyJones

    The chosen one.

    His elite post game will unlock easier shots for the Jay’s.

    He has worked really hard on his post game and it shows, like night and day vs his Mavs days.

  2. badjezus

    My bold prediction: KP will cement himself as the the second best player on the team next season

  3. Dondon1927

    Lol not with Tatum and Brown playing my turn your turn. Downvote but you know its true

  4. coacoanutbenjamn

    Not in counting numbers but I could definitely seen him having a career year in efficiency and defense

  5. hypercafspazz

    He’ll definitely have more favorable matchups and open looks at the rim than he’s had before in his career.

    Him and Rob could get into some real interesting hi lo stuff with Rob rim running off KP doubles.

    After watching Joker pick apart the Miami zone I’d love to see KP with career high assists.

  6. cjdavock5

    Finally a post that isn’t about Smart

  7. _mitchard

    It’s honestly crazy to think the Celtics could have 3 all stars on their team next year… and KP could easily be the 2nd best on the team…

  8. diamondstylus

    The Celtics will be fantastic next year barring any catastrophic injuries to key players.

  9. iamgarron

    Honestly, I like the fact that if this works early, we have this trio together for at least 3 years

  10. General_Tennis_5965

    Hot take, he’ll be an all-star 🔥

  11. thrashRisty

    I think his points might dip 1-3 but his boards and assists will go up a few each. Expecting like 20/11/5. I also think brown might drop 1-2 points because of scoring distribution but I think Tatum will have easily his best year, and could average close to a triple double like 32/9/9. That pick and roll is gonna so some nasty stuff

  12. shergenh69

    No because the jays are taking away his touches but even if he averages 17 for us that’ll be good

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