@Toronto Raptors

THANK YOU FRED, rockets will love you

THANK YOU FRED, rockets will love you

by almonakinvader


  1. Miserable-Deal242


  2. UjiriWatcher

    Congrats on that bag Freddy.


    Rebuild soon come. Thank god

  3. PhileinS

    get that bag! time for a new era in the North.
    Wonder what next though lol ud think Siakam next but dont have our pick so gotta be running it back with scottie/shooting guard/og/pascal/yak

  4. UjiriWatcher


    We’re free

  5. Yeongjeong

    Thanks Freddy for the good times. Wish you the best.

  6. NoMoPolenta

    Thanks Fred. We got nothing but love for you. It was time.

  7. Shottas_ballin

    Wish Freddy the best! Stay steady!

  8. okuokuoku00

    Gotta be happy for Fred. Raps will figure it out

  9. GreyMatter22

    Enjoyed watching Fred, especially against that 2019 Milwaukee game.

    Congrats on the bag, good for him.

  10. FuzzyGuarantee2350

    Nobody will love him at 40+ mil per year lol

  11. SammyMac19

    We’ll never forget the shot he made that gave us the lead in game 6 that we didn’t relinquish ❤️

  12. Kriztof_09

    I’m happy about it cause imo it’s the right direction.

    But thank you FVV for an amazing stretch and being such a tremendous talent, especially for someone that wasn’t even drafted. Happy he got his bag (tho admittedly happy we weren’t the team that paid him for it).

  13. sentry101

    40+ mil? Goodbye and good luck Fred but hoo boy am I relieved.

  14. chrisPjelly

    Not at that contract they won’t, lol.

    But all the love for Fred from here in Toronto (mostly). Sucks that it got to a point where things got a bit frustrating to watch and toxic/personal, but he’ll have his mark on this place for that Championship contribution and that All Star year!

  15. Sensitive_Potato5128

    Not on that contract they won’t

  16. sentry101

    Man we really should have traded him at the deadline

  17. The_Living_L

    shoutout to all the dudes who didnt believe it and called this fake or leverage, well technically he did use Raptors and Houston as leverage to get this crazy offer I guess

  18. blocking-io

    Imagine saying “Yuck” to the idea of the Raptors signing him for $120/4 years. Mf got way more than that. He fleeced the Rockets, but 120/4 would have been good value

  19. DomincNdo

    Cant wait for all the ~~slander~~ love Fred is gonna get over there

  20. BiguBanana

    Thank god, now our team can develop.
    Fred was never going to carry us to a championship.

  21. NatsuAru


    Thank you for so many years, from the bench mob to leadership.

    The Captain was short-lived, but I’m so happy he got the bag. I’ll definitely remember him for the best of times!

  22. capitalcitybaby

    Rockets will dislike him quickly. 40 mil. They’re going to want their GMs head

  23. TMHAlgorithm

    Salute to Masai and Bobby for not folding under the pressure.

  24. SnooHesitations1965

    And he thought he got hate here….holy shit he’s gonna have to move his family to Mars to get away from the texan bullshit…

  25. athomic74

    Ty for doing what Masai couldn’t Fred. We need a change of direction!

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