@Golden State Warriors

Do you believe the team can compete as is?

I believe so but the biggest issue I see is an injury to any player makes us very vulnerable.

by Vast-Cheetah-3755


  1. supremoel1

    Torrey Craig,Dario Saric or Mason Plumlee

  2. wannarave

    Yes. We were two wins from the WCF and should have been in it after a tumultuous season. Beating Denver will be tough, we need CP3 to stay healthy and lead the second unit well and Kuminga/Moody to take a leap. But I think it’s possible. Another big would be very helpful. One last run!

  3. Lesingingminer

    They need at least Saric or another serviceable big man. Then they’ll be able to compete

  4. Nessmuk58


    We have to have another PG. No way Steph & CP3 can cover 82 games x 48 minutes.

    We also need at least one backup big man.

    Another Wing, ideally, or possibly stretch 2/3 would be nice.

  5. loongod5

    Brandin is a SG, we still need a third string PG and one big, plumlee, Saric, dunno who rly is left we can get but we definitely need a big.

  6. bl123123bl

    One backup big away from a complete playoff rotation

  7. SCalifornia831

    Yes, absolutely but the margin for error is razor thin. Health is the biggest factor, as always and we need Moody and Kuminga to be ready to take a leap.

  8. _skele_

    Depends what you mean by compete. Compete to make it to the WCF – maybe. Compete to win a championship as is – no, not without another big at least.

  9. BeetLover1111

    Yes, I think we are in a better shape than people realize. Lack of talent wasn’t the main issue last season, it was the chemistry more than anything- that’s why we sucked so bad on the road.

  10. Mmicb0b

    needs a back up big IMO depends on a few things cause I do think it can go on a playoff run for sure finish anywhere from 6-3 seed for sure(Especially since we don’t have arguably the player with the worst IQ in the league as the 6th man) as far as actually winning quite a few things would need to go our way

  11. People heavily underestimating us.

    Our starting unit is the best in the nba. The main problem last year was the bad bench (remember that we started with wiseman on the team, no GP2, post punch Poole)

    It was so bad dray had to split his time with the bench unit to keep them from falling apart.

  12. Inevitable-Ad-4192

    Nope, not as it is. Just too small. Let’s see who they fill in the blanks with.

  13. FeelTheRealBirdie

    Looking at the rest of the west? Fk nah lets be realistic here

  14. Archangel_Shadow

    Yes. If they focus super hard on defense.

  15. janitorfan

    Moodey and Kuminga need to step the f up (and Kerr needs to let them play) if we gonna win this year.

  16. Nodecafallowed

    Same deal as last year but better chemistry. If the warriors avoid Milwaukee and the lakers in the playoffs (teams with considerable size advantage that they always match up poorly with) theyre fine assuming kuminga and moody make the jump. If those two come back and still aren’t ready, it’ll be a long year

  17. Apoplexy

    losing ddv’s plug and play flexibility at 3 positions is rough, but we’re another big away from at least being competitive.

  18. If CP can have a positive impact especially on the bench, JK ASCENDS, and everyone stays relatively healthy while staying in the top 6 we good but we need size/rim pressure to run pick n roll with CP for Lakers/Nuggets can’t be all shooting

  19. Wendysisking

    A defensive big is needed, looneys a beast on boards, but an athletic shot blocker off the bench would be ideal.

  20. alldaymacdre

    With a healthy Steph Klay Dray GP2 and Loongod I never worry

  21. 2kaddict247

    With improved chemistry no doubt. But they have to get the vibes right. You have Wiggs, Dray and GP2 as elite top tier defenders. Most of the other rotation guys are at least average or above average. Steph and Klay are the elite 3 point shooters. Cp3 will live in the midrange. You got Wiggins and Kuminga as your rim attackers.

    Ball handling, play making and passing should be pretty top tier w SC30, CP3 and Dray out there.

    While I think a floor spacing big is a must due to the Looney/ Dray spacing concerns and to pair with CP. I think JK could actually be an ideal PNR partner with CP. Looney will probably be another surprise guy who gets a ton of easy inside looks due to CP. Plus we’ve seen how Looney has improved finishing at the rim the past year or two.

    All depends on the vibes tho. If Klay comes in with the “ I should of been top 75 let me show you” attitude then idk lol. Wiggins is coming into his mental and physical prime so I’m hoping he has a great season.

    Also need Kerr to trust Moody and Kuminga. Imo the team needs youth and athleticism. Moody proved to be a pass able shooter in the playoffs. And we all know the potential is there w Kuminga.

  22. Western_Upstairs_101

    Absolutely! Adding Saric will definitely help.

  23. gbomber

    IMO, Saric and Mo Bamba. They can both play 4/5 and are 38-40% 3 pt. shooters. I also like Torrey Craig who is a solid defender.

    Back up point guard is an issue but hopefully we can find a 2-way option after summer league (when we got Ty Jerome last year) or Quinones will step up.

  24. AmelieBenjamin

    We’re so small please we need size

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